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Network operators are under pressure to deliver new services at an ever - increasing pace. Consumers are using more and more services from the network , and t he network exists to deliver these services. The network has gone from being a tool for professors to share research to a...
Feature Brief - Services & Topology Exchange Protocol.pdf
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Is this Tech Field Day presentation, covers the 128T Data Model, and how it is built around services in order for today's networks to be built around how consumers are using them. #DataModel #ServiceCentricity #services #Tenants #Conductor #router #Authority
In this installment of the 128T Data Model Series, we want to talk about the concept of services in the 128T product family. In this lesson, we'll discuss: Definition of a service in 128T How the 128T platform matches services to inbound traffic How you can affect...
Vectors Service delivery through heterogeneous networks can be tricky, but the 128T makes it easy. It's common when multiple paths exist between routers, that these paths will have different characteristics such as quality and throughput. Characteristics adequate for one service may be...
Question What is the default power-on sequence when line cards with Junos Trio chipsets are in the same chassis with other types of line cards? Answer If the set chassis network-services attribute is not configured, the following is the line card power-up rule: If the first PIC...