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  • 1.  contrail not spinning up service instance

    Posted 02-01-2017 20:25

    We're doing some test with contrail and up to now, everything working fine. ( )

    But when we try to insert a service instance, it keeps in spawning state for a couple of minutes and that the state becomes inactive.  When we have a look in horizon, we're not seeing any service being started. 


    ifmap-stdout is showing some events:

    2017-02-02 04:16:46,251 [pool-1-thread-4] TRACE - contrail:project-service-instance [state=NEW cardinality=singleValue lifetime=forever size=220 bytes on dlink{dnode{id{contrail:project:default-domain:contrail01, other, extended}}, dnode{id{contrail:service-instance:default-domain:contrail01:analyzer, other, extended}}}]
    2017-02-02 04:16:46,251 [pool-1-thread-4] TRACE - contrail:display-name [state=NEW cardinality=singleValue lifetime=forever size=239 bytes on dnode{id{contrail:service-instance:default-domain:contrail01:analyzer, other, extended}}]
    2017-02-02 04:16:46,252 [pool-1-thread-4] TRACE - contrail:service-instance-properties [state=NEW cardinality=singleValue lifetime=forever size=812 bytes on dnode{id{contrail:service-instance:default-domain:contrail01:analyzer, other, extended}}]
    2017-02-02 04:16:46,252 [pool-1-thread-4] TRACE - contrail:id-perms [state=NEW cardinality=singleValue lifetime=forever size=349 bytes on dnode{id{contrail:service-instance:default-domain:contrail01:analyzer, other, extended}}]
    2017-02-02 04:16:46,252 [pool-1-thread-4] TRACE - contrail:service-instance-service-template [state=NEW cardinality=singleValue lifetime=forever size=229 bytes on dlink{dnode{id{contrail:service-instance:default-domain:contrail01:analyzer, other, extended}}, dnode{id{contrail:service-template:default-domain:nat-template, other, extended}}}]


    We we start the same image from the horizon dashboard, all working fine.


    Anyone any idea why contrail is not spinning up this serivce instance?


  • 2.  RE: contrail not spinning up service instance

    Posted 02-02-2017 00:54



    It looks like you are using service chain v1, when SDN controller launches service instance itself. I don't know why the instance does not launch successfully. But I think a more recommended way to do service chaining today is v2. In this case you launch service VM using method external to SDN controller (e.g. by yourself from Horizon) and then redirect traffic to its interfaces using Contrail service instance settings (port tuples, etc.)

  • 3.  RE: contrail not spinning up service instance
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-02-2017 13:27
    Had a look in /var/log/contrail/contrail-svc-monitor-stdout.log
    02/02/2017 09:36:30 AM [contrail-svc-monitor]: __default__ [SYS_ERR]: SvcMonitorLog: flavors name=vsrx_small not authorized in project contrail01
    02/02/2017 09:36:30 AM [contrail-svc-monitor]: __default__ [SYS_ERR]: SvcMonitorLog: Flavor not found default-domain:vsrx
    turned out we had to add the neutron user to our project. All working fine now.

  • 4.  RE: contrail not spinning up service instance

    Posted 02-07-2017 11:35

    great finding, I also faced similar issue. did you try to use 3rd party virtaul firewall except than vSRX?