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  • This is the final post in the #JumpstartJSI series. Special thanks to @Devin and @pgoddard for their contributions. Below is a quick overview of the series: Why Connect to JSI Juniper Support Insights (JSI) extends support automation & ...

  • Don't delay, upgrade from Junos releases 12.x, 14.x, 15.x, and 16.x! Effective February 15, 2024, Junos releases 14.x and 16.x cases will no longer be eligible for technical support. Effective August 31, 2024, Junos releases 12.x ...

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  • Ok I made further tests: I reset the switch I upgraded to factory defaults and configured as your post. Still no traffic is flowing. I now lost access to the j-web interface so I can't see the port status. I asked for other switches to test and they ...

  • Thank you very much for this valuable information. After disabling TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support it looks like the issue may have been resolved (i.e. webfiltering is working again). The relevant Edge group policy setting is as follows (should ...

  • Hi Jyonas, You are right this is a bug: Problem Report ID PR1806786 2024-07-18 00:00:00 https://prsearch.juniper.net/problemreport/PR1806786 Contents: UTM Web filtering does not work for HTTPS traffic sent from Google Chrome browser or MS Edge ...

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  • The account you log in to the Community with might be a guest account. To access the Juniper Support Portal you need to be log in with a customer account. Please contact Juniper Customer Care for assistance updating your Juniper user account. You can ...

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  • > I would suggest you to upgrade the device to see if the issue persists. If yes, then it would need troubleshooting. I would like to do this, but for better or for worse, the feeling that I am getting is that we won't be updrading unless we can confirm ...


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