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Overview You want to load locally stored XML files into Table widgets for post-processing. Solution The Table widget provides a path constructor parameter that loads the XML from a locally stored data file, rather from a remote Device
See matching posts in thread - Problem with file copy for JunO...
P art 6 of 6 of On-Box Storage Previous Article: On-Box Storage: Option 4 - JUNOS Accounting Files as a Data Store NOTE: This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher
Answer As far as whether or not you can update a virus definition file, I am not familiar with the process to do that in devices running Junos OS, but if it is something that can be accomplished through CLI commands, rather than through shell, then it should be possible to do it from a script as well
You have to exercise a little extra caution on file creation. (See “Gotchas” below)
Answer A JMB is a XML file that contains the following information: Manifest—basic router and event data Trend data—device counters, statistics, and settings Attachments—A list of attachment files associated with the JMB The attachments include both text and XML files. The text files are concatenated outputs of various CLI commands
The Loading XML Files into Tables page in Junos PyEZ provides the information you need, including code samples and a video
Answer The size of a JMB depends mainly on the large attachment files it carries, such as logs and device configuration file
Use Local Scripts with an External Data Set This article shows how to pull information from an external data set (XML file) to use in a local (commit) script to configure devices that may or may not have unique configuration needs
For expert advice about the pros and cons, and "gotchas" for each data store approach, click: Best Practices Series: Considerations for On-Box Data Storage and Access On Box Storage: Option 1 - Flat Files as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Option 2 - JUNOS Device Configuration as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Option 3 - Utility MIB as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Option 4 - JUNOS Accounting Files as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Choosing a Solution Junos Automation Resources Ansible Automation TechWiki Available Automation tools Chef for Junos OS GitHub repository service J-Net Community page JUISE (Junos OS User Interface Scripting Environment) Juniper Networks Products & Services Juniper Learning Bytes - Configuring CLI Configlets on Junos Space - Junos-Python (PyEZ) Basics - Junos-Python (PyEZ) Installation - SLAX Scripting Part 1 - Using Scripts in Junos Space JUNOScriptorium stored on GitHub Junos Automation Day One Books Junos Automation Scripting Feature Guide Junos PyEZ troubleshooting, auditing, and reporting Junos Space NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) Puppet Python and Python Exceptions Ruby and Quickstart Ruby tutorial for Junos Automation SLAX (Stylesheet Language Alternative Syntax) #Python #Slax #Scripting #puppet #juise #JunosSpace #pyez #FAQ #Ruby