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What is inside a JMB?

By Erdem posted 03-30-2016 05:10



What is inside a JMB?


A JMB is a XML file that contains the following information:

  •  Manifest—basic router and event data
  • Trend data—device counters, statistics, and settings
  •  Attachments—A list of attachment files associated with the JMB

The attachments include both text and XML files. The text files are concatenated outputs of various CLI commands. These consist of RSI (request support information) and ESI (a file formatted similar to RSI, but with event-specific outputs).
The XML files are usually only present for the internal use of Service Now. They can include information about the device configuration, hardware listing, and software installed on the system. Finally, there is a status file included that reports the results of creating each of the files in the JMB, and any error conditions detected.
If sufficient disk space is available on the device, a log attachment file is created in either the *.tgz or *.tar format. Otherwise, a list of log files is provided inside the JMB XML content. Service Now retrieves the log files individually.
For more information about contents of a JMB, see the AI-Scripts Feature Guide.


