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See matching posts in thread - After basic configuration I've notice a strange ...
The <xsl:message> instruction element writes a message to the user terminal, and including the terminate="yes" attribute on <xsl:message> is the only way to end a script early. However, <xsl:message> messages are handled internally as errors and always prepend "error:" to the displayed message
But, you can always try to deal with the error message appropriately. For example, It might be possible for you to retry the operation You might need to roll back or invalidate some previously-collected data In the worst case, you may only be able to emit the SNMP or syslog equivalent of an error or failure, so that someone (or something) can detect the message and respond in a timely fashion Written by Douglas McPherson Solutions Consultant at Juniper #Slax #ExpertAdvice #SCRIPTS #errordetection #status #ScriptingHow-To
See matching posts in thread - When logging in for the first time I was present...
See matching posts in thread - In this scenario, this error message...
See matching posts in thread - Edit2: For the sake of simplicity I've marked qu...
See matching posts in thread - Could I send the private message...