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Imagine that you can tag configuration elements in JUNOS with arbitrary strings and selectively display parts of the configuration based on a tag value. Much like you use hashtags in social media networks. The hashtag can represent a customer, a service, a temporary feature, or just about...
Overview This topic describes how to commit Op scripts in private mode. Example Configuration This example shows how you commit an Op script in a private configuration session. var $connection = jcs:open(); var $edit-private = <open-configuration> ( <private>; ) ...
This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Overview Display rpd statistics in simple horizontal bar graphs. Description This op script uses the command "show task memory detail". The library lib-graph.slax is content independent (resuable). Source ...
Overview Display all routing-policies in sequential order for a selected BGP peer . This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Description This script provides an easy way to study the complete policy chain of a BGP peer. With multiple BGP policies in an import or export...
Overview Show interfaces terse with descriptions. This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Description This script adds descriptions and protocol filtering to the normal "show interfaces terse" command. Two arguments (interface and protocol) provide additional filtering...
Display Similar Output to the Cisco IOS "show interface status" Command For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can use the show-interface-status script to mirror the Cisco IOS command "show interface status" . This script displays the logical-interface name, status, VLAN members,...
Check SLAX Scripts for Common Syntax Errors You can use the slax-doctor script to check SLAX scripts for common syntax and programming errors. One common problem with writing large SLAX scripts is the difficulty in isolating the location of the inevitable syntax errors. Unterminated...
Overview This script is for performance monitoring on the SRX . This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Description It makes a clean table to see all the performance of the SRX. Source Code GitHub Links The source code below is also...
Perform a Lookup in the Policy Table For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can use the policy-test script to perform a lookup in the policy table and returns the matching policies based on the search criteria. Given a sample packet, such as source-address, dst-address, and ports, the...
Overview Run a command on multiple remote targets . This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Description This script runs a command on a set of remote hosts. The output from all targets is displayed. Note that this uses the "jcs:execute()" function, so the user must...