This op script uses the command "show task memory detail". The library lib-graph.slax is content independent (resuable).
Example Input
version 1.0;
ns junos = "*/junos";
ns xnm = "";
ns jcs = "";
param $screen-width = 80;
param $separator = " : ";
param $debug;
var $stars =
var $bangs =
template star-graph($stats, $name = "Name", $value = "Value") {
param $header-format = "%-8s %-20s%s";
param $format = "%8s %-20s";
var $max = $stats/total;
var $threshold = floor($max * 0.80);
var $low = floor($max div 100);
<output> jcs:printf($header-format, $value, $name, " Graph");
for-each ($stats/item) {
<xsl:sort select="value" data-type="number" order="descending">;
if (value >= $low) {
var $title = jcs:printf($format,
value, substring(name, 0, 20));
call star-graph-line($title, $title-width = 30, $value = value,
$max, $threshold);
<output> "Total: " _ $max;
template star-graph-line($title, $title-width = 10, $value, $max, $threshold,
$max-width = $screen-width) {
var $width = $max-width - $title-width - string-length($separator);
var $per = $max div $width;
var $num = floor($value div $per);
var $threshold-num = floor($threshold div $per);
var $bang-num = {
if ($value < $threshold) {
expr 0;
} else {
expr $num - $threshold-num + 1;
var $star-num = $num - $bang-num;
var $star-string = substring($stars, 0, $star-num + 1);
var $bang-string = substring($bangs, 0, $bang-num + 1);
var $extra = {
if ($value - (floor($value div $per) * $per) >= $per div 2) {
if ($value > $threshold) {
expr ":";
} else {
expr "-";
<output> jcs:printf("%-*s%s%s%s%s\n", $title-width, $title, $separator,
$star-string, $bang-string, $extra);
Example Output
user@cli> op op-rpd-mem
Bytes Task Graph
114888 KRT : *******'
97309 --System-- : ******
76319 OSPFv2 : *****
74748 BGP RT Background : *****
70940 --Anonymous-- : *****
66876 OSPFv2 I/O./var/run : ****'
66704 LDP I/O./var/run/pp : ****'
65555 BFD I/O./var/run/bf : ****
65544 BGP rsync : ****
65535 MPLSOAMD I/O./var/r : ****
10620 SNMP Subagent ./var/ : '
9988 -- sockaddr -- : '
Total: 678884
SLAX Script Contents
version 1.0;
ns junos = "*/junos";
ns xnm = "";
ns jcs = "";
ns ext = "";
import "lib-graph.slax";
param $logical-router;
match / {
<op-script-results> {
var $raw-stats = {
call get-rpd-stats();
var $stats = ext:node-set($raw-stats);
call star-graph($stats = $stats/graph,
$name = "Task", $value = "Bytes");
template get-rpd-stats () {
var $rpc = <command> {
expr "show task memory detail";
if ($logical-router) {
expr " logical-router " _ $logical-router;
var $out = jcs:invoke($rpc);
for-each ($out/task-memory-malloc-usage-report) {
<graph> {
for-each (task-malloc-list/task-malloc) {
<item> {
<name> tm-name;
<value> tm-max-alloc-bytes;
<total> task-memory-total-bytes;
XML Script Contents
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Display rpd statistics in simple horizontal bar graphs
This op script uses the command "show task memory detail". The library lib-graph.slax is content independent (resuable).
<title>Sample output</title>
<description>Display output of "op op-rpd-mem" command</description>
<xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml=""