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Question How do I upgrade the J-Web Platform package? Answer The J-Web Platform package is included in the Junos OS from Release 14.1X53-D10 and is installed on your switch as part of the Junos OS installation. If you upgrade to a later version of Junos OS, you automatically get the Platform package associated with that Junos OS. NOTE: If you have the Application package installed on your switch, and you upgrade Junos OS on your switch, then the Application package is removed, and the Platform package that is associated with Junos OS is installed on your switch. You must install the associated J-Web Application package over the Platform package. You can view details of the J-Web packages installed on your switch in the About window in the J-Web interface, or in the output of the show version command in the Junos OS CLI
After the Application package is uninstalled, the Platform package features will still be available for use. We recommended that you do not uninstall the Platform package. If you uninstall the Platform package, you must reinstall Junos OS on your switch for the J-Web interface to be restored
NOTE: As of now, only EX Series switches support this J-Web distribution model from Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10. The SRX Series platforms do not currently support this model
The feature that separates J-Web for EX Series switches into Platform and Application packages is introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53
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