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can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

  • 1.  can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-25-2010 22:53

    hi all,


    when i try to upgrade the 10.0 to 10.2 in SRX 100 from USB, shown can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old'. Then i  followed the, when i try to using this from usb as >install --format file:///junos-srxme-10.0R3.10-domestic.tgz shown invalid url, then i tried as install  file:///junos-srxme-10.0R3.10-domestic.tgz goes to as shown following process and again i get  the same message can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old'.

    how to solve this problem, plz any one having idea share your efforts.

    loader> install --format file:///junos-srxsme-10.0R3.10-domestic.tgz
    invalid URL
    loader> install file:///junos-srxsme-10.0R3.10-domestic.tgz
    /kernel data=0x9120e4+0xc6d10 syms=[0x4+0x74800+0x4+0xa4eb2]
    Kernel entry at 0x801000d8 ...
    getbootinfo: magic 0x0 md 0x8176a000 memsize 0x0
    getbootinfo: boothowto 0x0 kernend 0x81800000 memsize 1024MB i2cid 0x531 kernelname /kernel

    Platform Starting
    init regular console
    Initializing octeon watchdog
    GDB: debug ports: uart
    GDB: current port: uart
    KDB: debugger backends: ddb gdb
    KDB: current backend: ddb
    getmemsize: msgbufp[size=32768] = 0x8000cfe4
    Copyright (c) 1996-2010, Juniper Networks, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
    Copyright (c) 1992-2006 The FreeBSD Project.
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
            The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    JUNOS 10.0R3.10 #0: 2010-04-16 08:47:35 UTC
    JUNOS 10.0R3.10 #0: 2010-04-16 08:47:35 UTC
    real memory  = 1073741824 (1024MB)
    avail memory = 519200768 (495MB)
    cpuid: 0, btlb_cpumap:0xffffffff
    FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
    Initializing watchdog interupt

    Loading RT Fifo module.....
    Loaded RT Fifo module
    pmap_helper loaded (interface version 6, syscall 210)
    cpu0 on motherboard
    : CAVIUM's Octeon CPU Rev. 0.1 with no FPU implemented
            L1 Cache: I size 32kb(128 line), D size 8kb(128 line), sixty four way.
            L2 Cache: Size 128kb, ? way
    obio0 on motherboard
    uart0: <Octeon-16550 channel 0> on obio0
    uart0: console (9600,n,8,1)
    twsi0 on obio0
    dwc0: <Synopsis DWC OTG Controller Driver> on obio0
    usb0: DWC OTG Controller
    Using DMA mode
    Init: Port Power? op_state=1
    Init: Power Port (0)
    usb0: <USB Bus for DWC OTG Controller> on dwc0
    usb0: USB revision 2.0
    uhub0: vendor 0x0000 DWC OTG root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
    uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
    uhub1: vendor 0x0409 product 0x005a, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 2
    uhub1: single transaction translator
    uhub1: 2 ports with 1 removable, self powered
    umass0: STMicroelectronics ST72682  High Speed Mode, rev 2.00/2.10, addr 3
    umass1: SanDisk Cruzer Blade, rev 2.00/2.00, addr 4
    pcib0: <Cavium on-chip PCI bridge> on obio0
    Disabling Octeon big bar support
    PCI Status: PCI 32-bit: 0xc041b
    pcib0: Initialized controller
    pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
    pci0: <serial bus, USB> at device 2.0 (no driver attached)
    pci0: <serial bus, USB> at device 2.1 (no driver attached)
    pci0: <serial bus, USB> at device 2.2 (no driver attached)
    cpld0 on obio0
    gblmem0 on obio0
    octpkt0: <Octeon RGMII> on obio0
    cfi0: <AMD/Fujitsu - 4MB> on obio0
    platform_cookie_read not implemented
    Timecounter "mips" frequency 500000000 Hz quality 0
    Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
    md0: Preloaded image </isofs-install-srxsme> 12019712 bytes at 0x80bf24b0
    Loading the NETPFE ethernet module
    Loading E1/T1/J1 driver
    Loading the DS1/E1 Media Layer; Attaching to media services layer
    Loading common multilink module.
    Loading the NETPFE PPPoE module
    Loading the netpfe services driver
    Loading the XDSL Media Layer; Attaching to media services layer
    Loading the IPSec driver
     Loading the PTM driver

    Loading the DIALER driver
    Loading Link Services PICs module.
    IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
    SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
    da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 target 0 lun 0
    da1: <SanDisk Cruzer Blade 8.02> Removable Direct Access SCSI-0 device
    da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
    da1: 1907MB (3907583 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 243C)
    da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
    da0: <ST ST72682 2.10> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
    da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
    da0: 1000MB (2048000 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 1000C)
    if_pfe_open: listener socket opened, listening on ...
    Trying to mount root from cd9660:/dev/md0
    WARNING: preposterous time in file system
    WARNING: clock 8547 days greater than file system time
    tty: not found
    Installing disk1:/junos-srxsme-10.0R3.10-domestic.tgz
    mount_msdosfs: /dev/da1s1: No such file or directory
    ERROR: Execution failed for command mount
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop...done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru_mem' to stop...done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `bufdaemon' to stop...done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
    Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...1 0 done

    syncing disks... All buffers synced.
    Uptime: 11s
    cpu_reset: Stopping other CPUs

    U-Boot 1.1.6-JNPR-1.7 (Build time: May  4 2010 - 06:59:58)

    SRX_100_HIGHMEM board revision major:0, minor:0, serial #: AT4010AF0696
    OCTEON CN5020-SCP pass 1.1, Core clock: 500 MHz, DDR clock: 266 MHz (532 Mhz data rate)
    DRAM:  1024 MB
    Starting Memory POST...
    Checking datalines... OK
    Checking address lines... OK
    Checking 512K memory for U-Boot... OK.
    Running U-Boot CRC Test... OK.
    Flash:  4 MB
    USB:   scanning bus for devices... 4 USB Device(s) found
           scanning bus for storage devices... 2 Storage Device(s) found
    Clearing DRAM........ done
    BIST check passed.
    Boot Media: nand-flash usb
    Net:   pic init done (err = 0)octeth0
    POST Passed
    Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 1 seconds
    ELF file is 32 bit
    Loading .text @ 0x8f000078 (246092 bytes)
    Loading .rodata @ 0x8f03c1c4 (13940 bytes)
    Loading .rodata.str1.4 @ 0x8f03f838 (16580 bytes)
    Loading set_Xcommand_set @ 0x8f0438fc (104 bytes)
    Loading .rodata.cst4 @ 0x8f043964 (20 bytes)
    Loading .data @ 0x8f044000 (5620 bytes)
    Loading @ 0x8f0455f4 (120 bytes)
    Loading .data.rel @ 0x8f04566c (136 bytes)
    Clearing .bss @ 0x8f0456f8 (11912 bytes)
    ## Starting application at 0x8f000078 ...
    Consoles: U-Boot console
    Found compatible API, ver. 1.7

    FreeBSD/MIPS U-Boot bootstrap loader, Revision 1.7
    (, Tue May  4 07:15:51 UTC 2010)
    Memory: 1024MB
    [1]Booting from nand-flash slice 1
    Un-Protected 1 sectors
    writing to flash...
    Protected 1 sectors
    can't load '/kernel'
    can't load '/kernel.old'
    Press Enter to stop auto bootsequencing and to enter loader prompt.

  • 2.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-06-2010 23:06

    This case is solved, plz refer my another post Problem in upgrade 10.2.


  • 3.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 02-23-2012 07:39

    Hi, what is the solution, could not find the refered post. thanks i know it has been a long time

  • 4.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 02-29-2012 00:58



    If you unable to load the junos with normal process, then try with loader as following steps.


    Loading junos with USB

    Go to the loader,

    Accessing the Loader Prompt

    To access the Loader prompt:

    1. Use console connection to connect to the device.
    2. Reboot the device.

      During reboot, the following message is displayed:

      Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf

      After this message appears, see the following prompt:

      Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or space bar for command prompt.

    3. Press the space bar to get to the Loader prompt.

      The loader> prompt appears.

    4. Loader>install file:///<package_name.tgz-on USB>

    Even if you unable to load the junos then follow the step

    1. Firstly, take snapshot from the similar kind of devices, if you want to load junos for SRX210 then take snapshot from the SRX210 of running device with command "request system snapshot media usb factory partition slice"
    2. Go to loader prompt as above, The loader> prompt appears.
    3. Then inter command bootmedia usb
    4. Now device runs with junos from USB
    5. After the accessing device, run the command
    6. request system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice
    7. Now  junos image with loader is copied to internal flash of device
    8. Then Finally, reboot the device from internal image and loader with command request system reboot media internal.

    More links

    Format and Mount a USB flash drive on a J-series/SRX  Series Router


  • 5.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-21-2012 01:44

    @shyan wrote:





    1. Firstly, take snapshot from the similar kind of devices, if you want to load junos for SRX210 then take snapshot from the SRX210 of running device with command "request system snapshot media usb factory partition slice"
    2. Go to loader prompt as above, The loader> prompt appears.
    3. Then inter command bootmedia usb
    4. Now device runs with junos from USB
    5. After the accessing device, run the command
    6. request system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice
    7. Now  junos image with loader is copied to internal flash of device
    8. Then Finally, reboot the device from internal image and loader with command request system reboot media internal.



    I try to recover my srx650 using this method. After the device run junos from USB I try request system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice but failed to copy to internal flash of the device

    with this error message:

    error: internal (/dev/ad0) is too small. Size must be atleast 1GB


    I also tried the first method - loading junos from USB but also failed when I run 

    Loader>install file:///<package_name.tgz-on USB>

    here is the following error:

    tty: not found
    Installing disk0:/junos-srxsme-10.4R6.5-domestic.tgz
    Computing slice and partition sizes for /dev/ad0 ...
    The target media /dev/ad0 (400396800 bytes) is too small.
    The installation cannot proceed
    ERROR: Target media is too small


    how can I clear the target media so that the size is enough to install junos?



  • 6.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-21-2012 03:36

    Please verify the space availabe in your /dev/ either  using df -h in FreeBSD mode or show system storage commands if the device.


  • 7.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-21-2012 16:57



    here is the output of df-h

    % df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
    /dev/ad0s1a 621M 213M 358M 37% /
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
    /dev/md0 598M 598M 0B 100% /junos
    /cf 621M 213M 358M 37% /junos/cf
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /junos/dev/
    procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc
    /dev/bo0s3e 49M 90K 45M 0% /config
    /dev/bo0s3f 616M 106M 461M 19% /cf/var




    seems that the target media /dev/ad0s1a has available space can i clear the space so i am able to recover the junos?



    nhal wrote:

    shyan wrote:




    1. Firstly, take snapshot from the similar kind of devices, if you want to load junos for SRX210 then take snapshot from the SRX210 of running device with command "request system snapshot media usb factory partition slice"
    2. Go to loader prompt as above, The loader> prompt appears.
    3. Then inter command bootmedia usb
    4. Now device runs with junos from USB
    5. After the accessing device, run the command
    6. request system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice
    7. Now  junos image with loader is copied to internal flash of device
    8. Then Finally, reboot the device from internal image and loader with command request system reboot media internal.


    I try to recover my srx650 using this method. After the device run junos from USB I tryrequest system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice but failed to copy to internal flash of the device

    with this error message:

    error: internal (/dev/ad0) is too small. Size must be atleast 1GB


    I also tried the first method - loading junos from USB but also failed when I run 

    Loader>install file:///<package_name.tgz-on USB>

    here is the following error:

    tty: not found
    Installing disk0:/junos-srxsme-10.4R6.5-domestic.tgz
    Computing slice and partition sizes for /dev/ad0 ...
    The target media /dev/ad0 (400396800 bytes) is too small.
    The installation cannot proceed
    ERROR: Target media is too small

    how can I clear the target media so that the size is enough to install junos?




    I also tried the first method - loading junos from USB but also failed when I run 

    Loader>install file:///<package_name.tgz-on USB>


  • 8.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 00:17
    The output shows that there is sufficient space in device and it is booting from internally. Pls be ensure that you have to snapshot from the same model of SRX650 to load the snapshot to new sx650 facing the issue. For more Tshoot pls run some commands
    >show system snapshot media usb: if the running srx650 is booting form usb 
    >show system snapshot media internal: if the running srx650 is booting form internal device
    >show chassis routing-engine
    >show system storage
    >show version
    %ls /dev/da*
    @nhal wrote:



    here is the output of df-h

    % df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
    /dev/ad0s1a 621M 213M 358M 37% /
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
    /dev/md0 598M 598M 0B 100% /junos
    /cf 621M 213M 358M 37% /junos/cf
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /junos/dev/
    procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc
    /dev/bo0s3e 49M 90K 45M 0% /config
    /dev/bo0s3f 616M 106M 461M 19% /cf/var




    seems that the target media /dev/ad0s1a has available space can i clear the space so i am able to recover the junos?



    @nhal wrote:

    @shyan wrote:




    1. Firstly, take snapshot from the similar kind of devices, if you want to load junos for SRX210 then take snapshot from the SRX210 of running device with command "request system snapshot media usb factory partition slice"
    2. Go to loader prompt as above, The loader> prompt appears.
    3. Then inter command bootmedia usb
    4. Now device runs with junos from USB
    5. After the accessing device, run the command
    6. request system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice
    7. Now  junos image with loader is copied to internal flash of device
    8. Then Finally, reboot the device from internal image and loader with command request system reboot media internal.


    I try to recover my srx650 using this method. After the device run junos from USB I tryrequest system snapshot media internal factory partitionn slice but failed to copy to internal flash of the device

    with this error message:

    error: internal (/dev/ad0) is too small. Size must be atleast 1GB


    I also tried the first method - loading junos from USB but also failed when I run 

    Loader>install file:///<package_name.tgz-on USB>

    here is the following error:

    tty: not found
    Installing disk0:/junos-srxsme-10.4R6.5-domestic.tgz
    Computing slice and partition sizes for /dev/ad0 ...
    The target media /dev/ad0 (400396800 bytes) is too small.
    The installation cannot proceed
    ERROR: Target media is too small

    how can I clear the target media so that the size is enough to install junos?




    I also tried the first method - loading junos from USB but also failed when I run 

    Loader>install file:///<package_name.tgz-on USB>



  • 9.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 01:02

    @shyan wrote:
    The output shows that there is sufficient space in device and it is booting from internally. Pls be ensure that you have to snapshot from the same model of SRX650 to load the snapshot to new sx650 facing the issue. For more Tshoot pls run some commands
    >show system snapshot media usb: if the running srx650 is booting form usb (srx facing issue to load snapshot to internal media)

    Boot Media: usb (da0)
    Active Partition: da0s1a
    Backup Partition: da0s2a
    Currently booted from: active (da0s1a)

    Partitions information:
    Partition Size Mountpoint
    s1a 2.3G /
    s2a 2.3G altroot
    s3e 177M /config
    s3f 2.0G /var
    s4a 231M recovery

    root@FirewallPRI> show system snapshot media internal

    >show system snapshot media internal: if the running srx650 is booting form internal device (this is the working srx - fyi the srx is clustered environment)

    root@FirewallPRI> show system snapshot media internal
    Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/ad0s1a) (primary)
    Creation date: Sep 21 12:13:50 2011
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
    junos : 10.4R6.5-domestic
    Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/ad0s2a) (backup)
    Creation date: Feb 25 20:54:01 2011
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
    junos : 10.2R3.10-domestic

    >show chassis routing-engine

    Routing Engine status:
    Temperature 37 degrees C / 98 degrees F
    CPU temperature 37 degrees C / 98 degrees F
    Total memory 2048 MB Max 1024 MB used ( 50 percent)
    Control plane memory 1104 MB Max 386 MB used ( 35 percent)
    Data plane memory 944 MB Max 642 MB used ( 68 percent)
    CPU utilization:
    User 81 percent
    Background 0 percent
    Kernel 5 percent
    Interrupt 0 percent
    Idle 13 percent
    Model RE-SRXSME-SRE6
    Serial ID AABR3184
    Start time 2012-11-16 17:31:23 MYT
    Uptime 5 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes, 45 seconds
    Last reboot reason 0x200:chassis control reset
    Load averages: 1 minute 5 minute 15 minute
    1.42 1.31 1.11

    >show system storage 
    from problem srx:

    show system storage node all
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
    /dev/da0s1a 2.3G 213M 1.9G 10% /
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
    /dev/md0 598M 598M 0B 100% /junos
    /cf 2.3G 213M 1.9G 10% /junos/cf
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /junos/dev/
    procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc
    /dev/bo0s3e 177M 90K 163M 0% /config
    /dev/bo0s3f 2.0G 104M 1.8G 5% /cf/var
    /dev/md1 336M 16M 293M 5% /mfs
    /cf/var/jail 2.0G 104M 1.8G 5% /jail/var
    /cf/var/log 2.0G 104M 1.8G 5% /jail/var/log
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /jail/dev
    /dev/md2 63M 4.0K 58M 0% /mfs/var/run/utm
    /dev/md3 1.8M 4.0K 1.7M 0% /jail/mfs


    from working srx:


    show system storage
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
    /dev/ad0s1a 621M 213M 358M 37% /
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
    /dev/md0 598M 598M 0B 100% /junos
    /cf 621M 213M 358M 37% /junos/cf
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /junos/dev/
    procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc
    /dev/bo0s3e 49M 90K 45M 0% /config
    /dev/bo0s3f 616M 107M 460M 19% /cf/var
    /dev/md1 336M 16M 293M 5% /mfs
    /cf/var/jail 616M 107M 460M 19% /jail/var
    /cf/var/log 616M 107M 460M 19% /jail/var/log
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /jail/dev
    /dev/md2 63M 4.0K 58M 0% /mfs/var/run/utm
    /dev/md3 1.8M 4.0K 1.7M 0% /jail/mfs


    >show version


    Hostname: FirewallPRI
    Model: srx650
    JUNOS Software Release [10.4R6.5]

    %ls /dev/da* (on problem srx)


    ls /dev/da*
    /dev/da0 /dev/da0s2 /dev/da0s3c /dev/da0s4a
    /dev/da0s1 /dev/da0s2a /dev/da0s3e /dev/da0s4c
    /dev/da0s1a /dev/da0s2c /dev/da0s3f /dev/da1
    /dev/da0s1c /dev/da0s3 /dev/da0s4 /dev/da1s1


    on working srx

    % ls /dev/ad*
    /dev/ad0 /dev/ad0s1c /dev/ad0s2c /dev/ad0s3e /dev/ad0s4a
    /dev/ad0s1 /dev/ad0s2 /dev/ad0s3 /dev/ad0s3f /dev/ad0s4c
    /dev/ad0s1a /dev/ad0s2a /dev/ad0s3c /dev/ad0s4


    also while booting from usb on the problem srx i'd notice this:

    CF error busy
    CF timeout busy
    CF error busy
    CompactFlash model ÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿYÿY
    ata0: <Octeon Compact Flash Driver> on obio0
    gblmem0 on obio0
    octpkt0: <Octeon RGMII> on obio0
    cfi0: <AMD/Fujitsu - 8MB> on obio0


    could it be the internal flash is corrupted? that is why i cant load snapshot from usb to internal media..





  • 10.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 03:40



    is there any drive /dev/ad....... in problem facing SRX ?

    Output shows that your usb is partition da0....... and found one more /dev/da1....... pls verify ls /dev/ad*


    %ls /dev/da* (on problem srx)


    ls /dev/da*
    /dev/da0 /dev/da0s2 /dev/da0s3c /dev/da0s4a
    /dev/da0s1 /dev/da0s2a /dev/da0s3e /dev/da0s4c
    /dev/da0s1a /dev/da0s2c /dev/da0s3f /dev/da1
    /dev/da0s1c /dev/da0s3 /dev/da0s4 /dev/da1s1


    If there is no such ad0..... drive  look  for it   > request system snapshot media internal slice alternate


    If you have still issue, let me know how you took snapshot .As per you srx are in HA.



  • 11.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 17:29

    @shyan wrote:



    is there any drive /dev/ad....... in problem facing SRX ?

    Output shows that your usb is partition da0....... and found one more /dev/da1....... pls verify ls /dev/ad*


    %ls /dev/da* (on problem srx)


    ls /dev/da*
    /dev/da0 /dev/da0s2 /dev/da0s3c /dev/da0s4a
    /dev/da0s1 /dev/da0s2a /dev/da0s3e /dev/da0s4c
    /dev/da0s1a /dev/da0s2c /dev/da0s3f /dev/da1
    /dev/da0s1c /dev/da0s3 /dev/da0s4 /dev/da1s1


    If there is no such ad0..... drive  look  for it   > request system snapshot media internal slice alternate


    If you have still issue, let me know how you took snapshot .As per you srx are in HA.






    1) here is the output of ls /dev on the problem srx 


    ls /dev
    ad0 bpf4 da0s3 kmem rtfifo
    altroot bpf5 da0s3c log smb
    ata bpf6 da0s3e md0 stderr
    bo0s1a cfi0 da0s3f md1 stdin
    bo0s1c console da0s4 md2 stdout
    bo0s2a ctty da0s4a md3 ttyu0
    bo0s2c cuau0 da0s4c mdctl ttyu0.init
    bo0s3c cuau0.init devctl mem ttyu0.lock
    bo0s3e cuau0.lock devstat nfs4 urandom
    bo0s3f da0 fd nfslock usb
    bo0s4a da0s1 fido null usb0
    bo0s4c da0s1a fileassoc octpkt veriexec
    bpf0 da0s1c gblmem pass0 xpt0
    bpf1 da0s2 geom.ctl pci zero
    bpf2 da0s2a gpio random
    bpf3 da0s2c klog root


    2) root@FirewallPRI> request system snapshot media internal slice alternate
    error: Snapshot to alternate slice cannot be performed as internal is not the boot media



    3) i did snapshot on working srx using this command


    request system snapshot media usb partition


    i am using kingston 8gb thumbdrive formatted as fat32



  • 12.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 20:39



    how did you take the snapshot either after configuring HA or  from standalone SRX 650 ?


    If the snapshot is taken after configuring HA, it might be problem that's why try to load making standalone, if it is possible .

  • 13.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 21:31



    both srx have been configured with HA before this. I suspected the problem occured after the having power failure and only one srx can be booted properly.. the other srx stuck at loader> prompt


    i try recover junos by  trying to install junos from usb using  loader>install file:/// <junosXXXXX.tgz [of course by disconnecting the problem srx from the active one first]


    but failed with the following error:

    Installing disk0:/junos-srxsme-10.4R6.5-domestic.tgz
    Computing slice and partition sizes for /dev/ad0 ...
    The target media /dev/ad0 (400396800 bytes) is too small.
    The installation cannot proceed
    ERROR: Target media is too small



    "to load making standalone, if it is possible" --> what do you mean here..sorry i seem cant get the idea..


    thanks for your response.




  • 14.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 22:07


    From last message, 


    root@FirewallPRI> show system snapshot media internal 

    >show system snapshot media internal: if the running srx650 is booting form internal device (this is the working srx - fyi the srx is clustered environment)

    root@FirewallPRI> show system snapshot media internal
    Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/ad0s1a) (primary)
    Creation date: Sep 21 12:13:50 2011
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
    junos : 10.4R6.5-domestic
    Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/ad0s2a) (backup)
    Creation date: Feb 25 20:54:01 2011
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
    junos : 10.2R3.10-domestic


    Above shows that you are running HA and below conform that you are running the problem facing box with USB. So, it shows that you have snapshot from HA configured device in USB which is inserted into your prblem facing box.


    >show system storage  from problem srx:

    show system storage node all 

    Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on

    /dev/da0s1a 2.3G 213M 1.9G 10% /

    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
    /dev/md0 598M 598M 0B 100% /junos

    /cf 2.3G 213M 1.9G 10% /junos/cf

    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /junos/dev/
    procfs 4.0K 4.0K 0B 100% /proc

    /dev/bo0s3e 177M 90K 163M 0% /config
    /dev/bo0s3f 2.0G 104M 1.8G 5% /cf/var
    /dev/md1 336M 16M 293M 5% /mfs
    /cf/var/jail 2.0G 104M 1.8G 5% /jail/var
    /cf/var/log 2.0G 104M 1.8G 5% /jail/var/log
    devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /jail/dev
    /dev/md2 63M 4.0K 58M 0% /mfs/var/run/utm
    /dev/md3 1.8M 4.0K 1.7M 0% /jail/mfs


    "to load making standalone, if it is possible" - as up now you have in HA both box from above. So try using the standalone snapshot.


    Can you post the ouput show chassis cluster status ?




  • 15.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 11-22-2012 22:11


    here is output show chassis cluster status on active srx
    show chassis cluster status
    Cluster ID: 1
    Node Priority Status Preempt Manual failover

    Redundancy group: 0 , Failover count: 1
    node0 0 lost n/a n/a
    node1 100 primary no no

    Redundancy group: 1 , Failover count: 1
    node0 0 lost n/a n/a
    node1 0 primary yes no

    Redundancy group: 2 , Failover count: 1
    node0 0 lost n/a n/a
    node1 0 primary yes no

    Redundancy group: 3 , Failover count: 1
    node0 0 lost n/a n/a
    node1 0 primary yes no


    show chassis cluster interfaces
    Control link 0 name: fxp1
    Control link status: Down

    Fabric interfaces:
    Name Child-interface Status
    fab1 ge-9/0/2 down
    Fabric link status: Down

    Redundant-ethernet Information:
    Name Status Redundancy-group
    reth0 Down Not configured
    reth1 Up 1
    reth2 Up 2
    reth3 Up 3
    reth4 Down Not configured

    Interface Monitoring:
    Interface Weight Status Redundancy-group
    ge-11/0/0 100 Up 1
    ge-2/0/0 100 Down 1
    ge-11/0/1 100 Up 2
    ge-2/0/1 100 Down 2
    ge-11/0/2 100 Up 3
    ge-2/0/2 100 Down 3



    the problem srx is stuck at the loader> as i am not booting up using usb currently.



  • 16.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old

    Posted 04-17-2013 04:15
      |   view attached



    Our SRX face the same issue .

    boot stuck at 'cannot load /kernel'


    I have tried to reformat cf using install --format file:///source but still fail.

    I got this message:

    fdisk: Failed to write sector zero
    bsdlabel: Geom not found


    Attach is the full log, from there it keeps rebooting.


    Any idea?


    Appreciate any help







    cannot load kernel.txt   7 KB 1 version

  • 17.  RE: can't load '/kernel' and can't load '/kernel.old