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  • Francis, That's a good idea. The devices we have on this SSID are very simple air quality sensors. I'll test one to see if it does reconnect. ------------------------------ JOHN WILLIAMSON ------------------------------

  • Hi John, Changing the Vlan would affect the IP connectivity and would need a new DHCP lease in the new subnet. To go around this problem, you can force all client to reconnect. This will disconnect all client on the IoT SSID. All client would then ...

  • I want to edit the VLAN in an SSID for IoT devices and make sure doing this will not impact the devices using it negatively. I am concerned that they would have to be restarted to send out a new DHCP request and get the new IP in the new range. If ...

  • This SKU is available on the Mist AI Access tab of the excel price list: It's available on Configurator tool and Iris too ------------------------------ LUCAS SILVA ------------------------------

  • It's definitely GA. I think that is a specific price list not the general one available to partners from the partner center. ------------------------------ Allyn Crowe ------------------------------

  • Juniper switches can be configured to send their logs to a remote server. APs you will need to implement webhooks to send the logging out of the Mist cloud. ------------------------------ Allyn Crowe ------------------------------

  • Is Mist Access Assurance still in beta or GA? https://www.juniper.net/us/en/products/cloud-services/access-assurance-datasheet.html The reason i am asking is because its SKU S-CLIENT-S-1 is not available in the Juniper Price List here: https://www.juniper.net/content/dam/www/assets/partners/us/en/state-and-local-price-list/juniper-price-list-may-2024.pdf ...


  • Introducing Marvis Minis

    Marvis Minis is the only AI-Native Networking digital experience twin, stimulating traffic on your network to provide new levels of real-time visibility and performance. 

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