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Remove Stale VMs and VMIs Before you can remove a stale virtual machine (VM) or virtual machine interface (VMI), you must first remove any back references associated to the VM or VMI
See matching posts in thread - Juniper x86 platform which supports Vmware or MS...
To address this problem you can try increasing the “type delay” for slow connections to virtual machine consoles by changing the keyboard.typematicMinDelay setting in the the *.VMX file for the virtual machine. You can edit the *.VMX files directly, but we recommend that you configure this value for a virtual machine template by using the vSphere Client
Check the state of the virtual machine and interface Before doing anything else, check the status of the source and destination virtual machines. Is the Status of each virtual machine Up ? Are the corresponding tap interfaces Active ? Check the virtual machine status in the Contrail UI: Check the tap interface status in the http agent introspect: http://nodef1.example.com:8085/Snh ItfReq?