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P art 6 of 6 of On-Box Storage Previous Article: On-Box Storage: Option 4 - JUNOS Accounting Files as a Data Store NOTE: This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Choosing an On-Box Solution Whew
Written by Douglas McPherson Solutions Consultant at Juniper This is part 5 of 6 of On-Box Storage . Previous Article: On-Box Storage: Option 3 - Utility MIB as a Data Store Next Article: On-Box Storage: Choosing a Solution This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher. Description Suppose that your script needs to keep a local history of some counter or gauge over time – possibly with the intent of “peeking” into it for some local analysis, or maybe eventually exporting it off-box so that it can be imported into another application
With Junos YANG modules now available off box for every Junos release, the configuration can now be validated by the network management system before sending it to Junos...What are the benefits of on-box YANG compilation and translation?
Junos OS on-box Scripts and Including Transient Changes in Configuration Results Junos OS on-box scripts commonly use the <get-configuration> RPC to retrieve the current device configuration
Include Transient Changes in Configuration Results For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, the <get-configuration> RPC is commonly used by Junos OS on-box scripts to retrieve the current device configuration
Feature Prior to Junos OS Release 11.4, on-box scripts could only use Junoscript, a proprietary protocol, to form remote connections, which limited the range of target hosts to Junos OS devices only. Starting with Junos OS Release 11.4R1, remote connections can be formed using NETCONF instead, so now an on-box script can remotely manage any vendor's device as long as it supports the standards-based NETCONF protocol