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Overview Junos Space Security Director, when used with Log Collector, provides the additional capabilities of analytics based on system log messages (syslogs). This document describes the REST end points exposed for querying information from logs as aggregated data and searches on logs. All...
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Question How do you upgrade AI-Scripts? Answer To upgrade up to AI-Scripts Release 4.1R9 and earlier, follow the steps below: Install the newer version of the AI-Scripts using the request system scripts add < package name > CLI command. Verify that the AI-Scripts are...
Question How do you delete an AI-Script from a device? Answer You can delete AI-Scripts from the device in the following ways: NOTE : We recommend that configuration of AI-Scripts Release 5.0R1.0 and later be deleted from a device by using Junos Space Service Now as Service Now calls...
Question How big is a JMB? Answer The size of a JMB depends mainly on the large attachment files it carries, such as logs and device configuration file. For more information about contents of a JMB, see AI-Scripts Feature Guide . #JunosSpace #ai-scripts #serviceautomation #FAQ
Question What do AI-Scripts do? Answer AI-Scripts: React to specific incident events that occur on devices and provide relevant information about the problems for analysis Periodically collect data on events that can be used to predict and prevent risks in the future. Package...
Question What is inside a JMB? Answer A JMB is a XML file that contains the following information: Manifest—basic router and event data Trend data—device counters, statistics, and settings Attachments—A list of attachment files associated with the JMB The attachments include...
Question After installing AI-Scripts, how do you test the JMB flow from the network device to Service Now? Answer Use the show log messages | match ais command to view the JMB creation status and readiness for file retrieval by Service Now. You should get an output similar to the...
Question How soon after AI-Scripts installation is an intelligence iJMB generated? Answer An iJMB is generated within 5 minutes after AI-Scripts installation. For more information about types of JMB, see Types of JMB . #serviceautomation #ai-scripts #JunosSpace #FAQ
Question How can you tell what version of AI-Scripts is installed on a device? Answer The show version CLI operational command displays the version of the AI-Scripts install package that is installed on a device. The JMB contains the output of the show version CLI command to indicate the...