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Read the attached PDF written by Sethuraman Ramanathan to learn how to automate Juniper's Contrail Cloud Solution. Contrail Cloud solution is an open cloud network automation product that uses software-defined networking (SDN) technology to orchestrate the creation of virtual networks with high scalability. It exposes a set of REST APIs for northbound interaction with cloud orchestration tools, as well as other applications. Contrail Cloud solution has multiple components like contrail controller ,Openstack controller and vrouters. This document gives details on CONTRAIL cloud solution implementation
Read the attached PDF written by Sethuraman Ramanathan to learn how Juniper's Contrail Cloud solution with MPLS-over-UDP overlays is implemented
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A "blue" service chain using vSRX to perform URL filtering A "red" service chain using vSRX to perform URL filtering with a different set of policies In order to create the Web Farm, an Ubuntu cloud server version 14.04.4 was spawned using Openstack Horizon and modified in order to enable remote access via the console and SSH
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