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  • 1.  VIP on SSG5

    Posted 09-15-2008 14:18

    Could someone confirm if there is a max number of VIP you can create on a SSG5? If yes do you know what that magic number would be per interface.


    Thank you,

  • 2.  RE: VIP on SSG5
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-15-2008 14:35



    Use the following command to find out


    get sys-cf | include vip


    This should give you the max number for that platform.


    If you are running out you could use NAT-DST, which does the same thing as VIP.


    Hope this helps





  • 3.  RE: VIP on SSG5

    Posted 09-16-2008 08:19

    I believe the max is 64 per device, not interface.


    The one place where VIP differs from DST-NAT is the ability to NAT a dynamic untrust interface IP.  This is needed if you need incoming NAT on a home "DSL" or Cable type connection.


  • 4.  RE: VIP on SSG5

    Posted 09-16-2008 14:48

    1. This KB article lists the maximum per device:

    KB5989 - Maximum number of VIP, MIP, and DIPs supported on different platform for ScreenOS


    2. Also, Dan has a good point. Here's an excerpt from ScreenOS Cookbook:

    VIPs come with many caveats. The most important is that VIPs before ScreenOS 6.1 can exist only on interfaces in the Untrust zone and must be in the same network with that interface. Policy NAT-DST offers much greater flexibility. But what a VIP can do and policy NAT-DST cannot do is use the firewall's own public IP address for translation.

    "This exerpt is used by permission of the publisher, O'Reilly Media, © 2008. All rights reserved. Excerpted from ScreenOS Cookbook, by Stefan Brunner, Ken Draper, David Delcourt, Joe Kelley, Vik Drakar, & Sunil Wadhwa. ISBN: 0596510039."


    3. This is also helpful on the difference with VIP and NAT-DST: J-Net thread on VIP and NAT-DST

    Hope that helps.


  • 5.  RE: VIP on SSG5

    Posted 09-16-2008 06:46
    On SSG-5, you can configure up to 4 VIPs.

  • 6.  RE: VIP on SSG5

    Posted 09-16-2008 07:20
    Thank you to the both of you.