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This is a legacy community with limited Juniper monitoring.
  • 1.  SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-18-2013 20:14

    Was upgrading an SSG5 for a client from 6.1 to 6.3.0r11.0 and I get an exception data abort dump and am now in an endless reboot cycle and can't seem to break it, nor does factory resetting the unit using the reset button seem to function


    Here is the output, would appreciate some guidance and feedback:


    Loaded Successfully! (size = 13,344,720 bytes)

    Image authenticated!

    Save to on-board flash disk? (y/[n]/m) y

    Saving system image to on-board flash disk...
    Done! (size = 13,344,720 bytes)

    Run downloaded system image? ([y]/n) Yes!

    Start loading...

    Juniper Networks, Inc
    SSG5/SSG20 System Software
    Copyright, 1997-2008

    Version 6.3.0r11.0
    Load Manufacture Information ... Done

    Initialize FBTL 0........ Done
    Load NVRAM Information ... (6.3.0)Done
    Install module init vectors
    The device is storing the firmware into reserved flash sectors.
    Please do not power off the device during this operation. Doing so could result in loss of firmware.
    The device successfully completed the operation.
    Changed to l3 mode
    Install modules (0126c800,020b4000) ...
    PPP IP-POOL initiated, 256 pools

    Initializing DI 1.1.0-ns

    System config (3366 bytes) loaded

    Load System Configuration ..........................................
    Unsupported command - set zone "VLAN" block
    ....................................................................................................................................................................modem is not detected
    ........................................................................Disabled licensekey auto update
    system init done..
    -=0 This is a private network, all access is logged 0=-
    login: ethernet0/5 interface change physical state to Up
    bgroup0 interface change physical state to Up
    System change state to Active(1)
    ###Crash Time: 18Jan2013:16:28:57###
    System Level:
    Image In Task Level
    Current Task Is:sys up id = 84

                      Exception Dump
    System up time: 0 hours 0 minutes 58 seconds
    Version 6.3.0r11.0
    Exception(Data Abort Exception code(1002))
    Exception address: 001a2028
    Registers of Main Processor:
    R0:      00000000   R1:      00000001  R2:      00000091
    R3:      01da8b34   R4:      8a9057d8  R5:      8f5486d4
    R6:      756faa40   R7:      03adc060  R8:      00000024
    R9:      00000000   R10(sl): 8bffff80  R11(fp): 8bfffee8
    R12(ip): 756faa1c   R13(sp): 8bfffec8  r14:     001a2030
    lr:      0055bc20   SPSR:    20000010  CPSR:    20000097
    The registers of control processor 15:
    CR1ARM:  000031FF   CR1XSCALE:  00000000   CR2:     0787c000
    CR3:     000000E7   CR4:        Reserved   CR5:     000000f5
    CR6:     8F5486F4   CR7:        N/A        CR8:     N/A
    CR9:     00000000   CR10:       N/A        CR11:    Reserve
    CR12:    Reserve    CR13:       00000000
    Stack dump:
    8bfffe48: 03 ad c0 60 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 8b ff ff 80
    8bfffe58: 8b ff fe 88 8b ff fe 68 00 55 ce 58 00 ec 52 88
    8bfffe68: 00 82 aa 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8a 90 57 d8
    8bfffe78: 04 c4 2e fc 8b ff fe c4 8b ff fe 9c 00 1a 1f dc
    8bfffe88: 00 55 cd e0 01 2b c2 b8 03 ad c0 60 ff ff ff ff
    8bfffe98: 01 da 8b 34 00 00 00 00 8a 90 57 d8 04 c4 2e fc
    8bfffea8: 00 00 02 18 03 ad c0 60 00 00 00 24 8b ff ff 80
    8bfffeb8: 8b ff fe e8 8b ff fe c8 00 1a 20 a0 00 1a 1e 84
    8bfffec8: 00 00 02 44 02 ab 2b 00 04 c4 2e d0 00 00 00 00
    8bfffed8: 02 0e 56 38 8b ff fe f8 8b ff fe ec 00 1a 21 18
    8bfffee8: 00 1a 20 10 8b ff ff 14 8b ff fe fc 00 1a 21 a8
    8bfffef8: 00 1a 20 d0 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01
    8bffff08: 8b ff ff 30 8b ff ff 18 00 1a a8 f0 00 1a 21 38
    8bffff18: 8b ff ff 80 00 1a a7 80 00 00 00 00 8b ff ff 4c
    8bffff28: 8b ff ff 34 00 81 ed ec 00 1a a7 8c 00 00 00 04
    8bffff38: 02 71 6d 58 02 e2 27 cc 8b ff ff 7c 8b ff ff 50
    8bffff48: 00 81 ef 54 00 81 ed 6c 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01
    8bffff58: 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    8bffff68: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8b ff ff ac 8b ff ff 80
    8bffff78: 00 81 f6 18 00 81 ee b4 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02
    8bffff88: 00 00 00 01 8b ff ff bc 8b ff ff 9c 00 c4 d3 d8
    8bffff98: 00 08 1d 14 00 81 f4 70 8b ff ff bc 8b ff ff b0
    8bffffa8: 00 81 f4 8c 00 81 f5 90 00 00 00 00 8b ff ff c0
    8bffffb8: 00 08 1d 14 00 81 f4 7c 00 00 00 00
    Trace Dump:
    001a2028 0055bc20 001a2118 001a21a8 001aa8f0 0081edec 0081ef54 0081f618
    0081f48c 00081d14
    FP Trace Dump:
    00000000 00000000 8bfffee8 8bfffef8 8bffff14 8bffff30 8bffff4c 8bffff7c
    8bffffac 8bffffbc
    Crash dump, the system will reboot...
    OS Context:
    Died Flow/bootup Module
    Cur Task Context: sys up
    Crash dump is done.
    sys up far = 8f

    Juniper Networks SSG5 Boot Loader Version 1.3.2 (Checksum: A1EAB858)
    Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Juniper Networks, Inc.

    Total physical memory: 128MB
        Test - Pass
        Initialization - Done

    Hit any key to run loader
    Hit any key to run loader
    Hit any key to run loader
    Hit any key to run loader

    Loading default system image from on-board flash disk...
    Done! (size = 13,352,960 bytes)

    Image authenticated!

    Start loading...



  • 2.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-18-2013 20:54



    On console when you see the message:


    Hit any key to load new firmware
    Hit any key to load new firmware


    Hit Enter and then follow the steps to install the 6.3 image again.
    You will need to have a tftp server within the L2 domain of firewall.


    If it still crashes you can try to install the 6.1 code again and check if you have DHCP server settings enabled.
    If yes, try disabling it and then upgrade.

    I remember a crash issue when upgrading to 6.3 with DHCP server enabled.


    Hope this helps.


  • 3.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-18-2013 20:58

    Was pulling down 6.1 again when your message popped in. Yes the device is used has the DHCP server for the local network. Will try what you've suggested and advice, thank you.



  • 4.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-18-2013 21:12

    Hi Adam,


    If disabling DHCP still does not help then I suggest that you open a TAC case to get more details.

    It will be difficult to find crash reason otherwise.





    If this update is helpful, you may mark it as accepted solution for others to benefit from it.

  • 5.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-18-2013 21:28

    Attempt at reloading 6.1 didn't work...same thing...will try with same release that was on it. (r1)


    When its booting, I do...albeit briefly get the login prompt...but then its gone. Its there a way to break the boot sequence so I can attempt to login and disable DHCP?


    It was working fine - which was the real kicker - was just bringing it current 😞


  • 6.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-18-2013 21:52

    Reverting to ssg5ssg20.6.1.0r1.0 allowed the unit to boot 🙂


    Was reading in the upgrade guide about upgrading the boot loader if problems persist with upgrading the image, however can't see any more bootloder images on the support site under SSG5.


    Boot loader on it is Juniper Networks SSG5 Boot Loader Version 1.3.2 (Checksum: A1EAB858)


    Is there an update for this? Regrettably there is no TAC entitlement on this device, its a branch office unit so not able to open a TAC case on the crash.


    Thanks for the help.



  • 7.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-19-2013 01:22

    On the website, the bootloader is 133. Not sure if that will help, I dont have much experience with bootloader and SSG5 🙂

  • 8.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-19-2013 08:02

    Seems that more specifically the SSG5 fails when attempting upgrade from 6.1 r6 ->> 6.1 r7. Given r6 is stable, will disable the DHCP server  and attempt again.


    WIll keep digging and see if I can find a resolution.

  • 9.  RE: SSG5 Exception Dump (Data Abort Exception code(1002))

    Posted 01-19-2013 09:12



    Disabling DHCP (for some reason) permitted me to upgrade from 6.1 r6 =>> 6.1 r7. I then re-enabled DHCP and was able to upgrade directly to 6.3 r13 🙂


    Yay, now I can go ski-dooing 😉

    Thanks! Adam