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  • 1.  SSG140 Different Interface Routing and VLANs

    Posted 10-31-2016 06:48



    I have had a couple of SSG140's running 6.2.0r8.0 for a couple of years in a simple configuration, however I need to change this. I am not a CLI guru at all and manage to do everything I need to via the WebGUI, so help using this method would be preferable if at all possible, thank you. Any help from experts would be appreciated. I am sure that what I want to accomplish is not that difficult, however I have not managed to do it successfully myself. The example of what I want to do follows, with changed IP Addresses. This is working from a completely factory reset SSG140 to make it easier.


    Our data center provider has installed a router and it has 2 interfaces. Interface 1 is for general internet access, setting this up is simple and it works fine. Interface 2 is for accessing servers at their data center, this is what I am battling with.


    ethernet0/0 - trust -
    ethernet0/2 - untrust -


    The above works for internet access with the additional minimal configuration that was required.


    I have been told by the data centre IT to connect the second cable, from their router interface 2 to a spare port on the SSG, which I have done to ethernet0/4.


    Their brief instructions:


    - To access the internet (this I have done, except for the VLAN 200 part which I am not sure if I have to do or not?)
    - Set up SSG ethernet0/2 as a routed port with (VIP)
    - Use VLAN number 200
    - Default route to


    - To access the data center (this I am battling with?)
    - Set up SSG ethernet0/4 as an internal VLAN access port
    - Ethernet0/0 and ethernet0/4 to be in the same VLAN (Trust) segment
    - Use VLAN number 100
    - VLAN interface 192.168.100.x (x = an unused IP address)
    - Add static route to data center
    - Routing to data center next hop from SSG gateway





  • 2.  RE: SSG140 Different Interface Routing and VLANs
    Best Answer

    Posted 10-31-2016 21:17

    From what I understand - the Datacentre folks are asking you to place both 0/0 and 0/4 in the same L2 segment. This can be done usign Bgroup interfaces. You must have some predefined ones on your Firewall already.


    What you need to do:


    - Remove IP from e0/0

    - add 0/0 and 0/4 to any bgroup interface (bg0)

    - assign the 192.168.100.x/24 IP, zone etc., to the bg0 interface. In simple terms, migrate whatever configuration you had on e0/0 to bg0 - IP, routes etc.,

  • 3.  RE: SSG140 Different Interface Routing and VLANs

    Posted 11-09-2016 07:39

    Thank you Gokul, this worked well.  Apologies for taking so long is accepting the solution.

  • 4.  RE: SSG140 Different Interface Routing and VLANs

    Posted 11-10-2016 18:13

    You are welcome Paul.. glad I could help! Smiley Happy