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  • 1.  SRX340 SSD Harddisk on-box setup ?

    Posted 04-04-2024 06:13

    Hi everyone

    ■ Chassis Model : SRX340
    ■ OS Version : 21.4R3-S5.4

    I want to use srx340 ssd on-box to store traffic flow.

    The SSD is mounted successfully as shown below.

    root@FW> show system storage detail 
    Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
    /dev/da0s2a 600594 430014 122534 78% /
    devfs 1 1 0 100% /dev
    /dev/md0 20012 12416 5996 67% /junos
    /cf/packages 600594 430014 122534 78% /junos/cf/packages
    devfs 1 1 0 100% /junos/cf/dev
    /dev/md1 1458820 1458820 0 100% /junos
    /cf 20012 12416 5996 67% /junos/cf
    devfs 1 1 0 100% /junos/dev/
    /cf/packages 600594 430014 122534 78% /junos/cf/packages1
    procfs 4 4 0 100% /proc
    /dev/bo0s3e 189432 54 174224 0% /config
    /dev/bo0s3f 5169908 420800 4335516 9% /cf/var
    /dev/md2 1056324 112614 859206 12% /mfs
    /cf/var/jail 5169908 420800 4335516 9% /jail/var
    /cf/var/jails/rest-api 5169908 420800 4335516 9% /web-api/var
    devfs 1 1 0 100% /jail/dev
    /dev/md3 1884 4 1730 0% /jail/mfs
    /dev/ssd 96138198 6 88447138 0% /var/ssd

    I configured the following

    set security log mode stream
    set security log file name traffic-log
    set security log file path /var/ssd/traffic-log/

    set system syslog file traffic-log any any
    set system syslog file traffic-log match RT_FLOW_SESSION

    The policy sets log session-init /log session-close and flow session also exists.

    However, the file is not created in the /var/ssd/traffic-log/ directory.

    Please tell me how to save traffic flow using srx340 ssd on-box.

    Please help Juniper experts...

    minho kim

  • 2.  RE: SRX340 SSD Harddisk on-box setup ?

    Posted 04-04-2024 18:40


    Please run file list /mfs/var/ detail to see if the device properly linked the traffic-log folder for /var/ssd/traffic-log.

    Also, for on-box logging you should use security log mode event.

    Nikolay Semov

  • 3.  RE: SRX340 SSD Harddisk on-box setup ?

    Posted 04-05-2024 01:43

    I'll try it and let you know the results.

    Thank you

    minho kim

  • 4.  RE: SRX340 SSD Harddisk on-box setup ?

    Posted 04-16-2024 00:28

    We will share the test results.

    SRX branch equipment does not support saving to ON-BOX (SSD) in stream mode.

    Junos OS 19.4 version supports on-box (ssd) storage in stream mode.

    To save on SSD, up to 100MB is possible with the settings below.

    traffic log in the binary format.(default path is /var/log/)
    #set security log mode event
    #set security log format binary
    #set security log file name traffic-log
    #set security log file size 10
    #set security log file files 10
    #set security log file path /var/ssd/traffic-log/
    > show security log file /var/ssd/traffic-log/traffic-log

    Thank you

    minho kim

  • 5.  RE: SRX340 SSD Harddisk on-box setup ?

    Posted 04-16-2024 19:30

    Thank you for sharing your findings!

    Nikolay Semov