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Hi F1ght3r,
I am currently experiencing an issue with my Juniper SRX300 device. Upon booting, I encounter errors related to the SPI stage 3 bootloader.
Below are the details of the messages displayed during the boot process:
SPI stage 1 bootloader (Build time: Apr 26 2020 - 21:42:44)
U-Boot 2013.07-JNPR-3.9 (Build time: Apr 26 2020 - 21:42:45)
Octeon unique ID: 0bc00402007ca59e0502
N0.LMC0 Configuration Completed: 4096 MB
SRX_300 board revision major:1, minor:9, serial #: CV5020AF1707
OCTEON CN7020-AAP pass 1.2, Core clock: 1200 MHz, IO clock: 600 MHz, DDR clock: 667 MHz (1334 Mhz DDR)
Clearing DRAM...... done
SF: Detected SF with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB
Found corrupted image at offset 0x68000, continuing search
Could not find stage 3 bootloader
bootjuniperstage3 - Load and execute the stage 3 bootloader
bootjuniperstage3 Load and execute the stage 3 bootloader
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
SF: Detected SF with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB
Found corrupted image at offset 0x68000, continuing search
Could not find stage 3 bootloader
bootjuniperstage3 - Load and execute the stage 3 bootloader
bootjuniperstage3 Load and execute the stage 3 bootloader
=> #help
bootjuniperstage3 - Load and execute the stage 3 bootloader
bootstage3 - Load and execute the stage 3 bootloader
echo - echo args to console
eeprom - EEPROM sub-system
env - environment handling commands
fdt - flattened device tree utility commands
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print command description/usage
loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads - load S-Record file over serial line
loadx - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
loady - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
md5sum - compute MD5 message digest
printenv - print environment variables
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
run - run commands in an environment variable
saves - save S-Record file over serial line
setenv - set environment variables
sf - SPI flash sub-system
sha1sum - compute SHA1 message digest
sleep - delay execution for some time
sspi - SPI utility command
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
Original Message:
Sent: 02-05-2021 12:20
From: F1ght3r
Subject: SRX320 boot loop, no bootloader prompt
in general there are 2 possibilities to recover an SRX300 series device.
1.) Recover by USB with the loader prompt
2.) Recover by TFTP
If both are not possible, then it is a hardware issue (which could be indicated by the console output).
SRX3XX series devices purchased before June 14, 2019 are known to have a very weak internal storage, as they are getting faulty quite quickly. All SRX3XX devices purchased after June 14, 2019 do have a better storage inside:
If my answer provides the solution, please mark my post as "Best Answer".
If you think my answer helps, please "Recommend" my post.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-05-2021 10:40
From: Unknown User
Subject: SRX320 boot loop, no bootloader prompt
Hi all,
Our SRX320-POE is stuck in boot loop:
SPI stage 1 bootloader (Build time: May 3 2016 - 23:48:30)
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
ERROR: Board TLV descriptor not found! Cannot continue!
Use the tlv_eeprom command to program the board type.
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
octeon_i2c_wait: Timed out on bus 0
early_board_init: Board type: SRX_300
U-Boot 2013.07-JNPR-3.1 (Build time: May 03 2016 - 23:48:31)
Warning: Board descriptor tuple not found in eeprom, using defaults
SRX_300 board revision major:1, minor:0, serial #:
OCTEON CN7020-AAP pass 1.2, Core clock: 1200 MHz, IO clock: 600 MHz, DDR clock: 667 MHz (1334 Mhz DDR)
U-Boot prompt does not appear. Is there anything we can do to recover the device, or this is a hardware problem?
Thank you.