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  • 1.  SRX1400 - SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE - Interfaces won't come up/"device not found"/FPC stays "present"

    Posted 03-21-2016 16:08


    I have an SRX1400 with SRX1K-RE-12-10, SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE, an SRX3K-NPC and an SRX3k-SPC in it. I'm having a strange issue where the only interface on the SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE that will come up is the fxp0 interface. The SYSIO-XGE card stays in "Present" state as well.


    Some output:


    > show chassis hardware
    Hardware inventory:
    Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
    Chassis                                BH2412XXXXXX      SRX 1400
    Midplane         REV 03   711-031012   AAETXXXX          SRX1k Backplane
    PEM 0            rev 03   740-032015   J027KDXXXXXXX     AC Power Supply
    CB 0             REV 07   750-032544   AAERXXXX          SRX1K-RE-12-10
      Routing Engine          BUILTIN      BUILTIN           Routing Engine
      CPP                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           Central PFE Processor
      Mezz           REV 09   710-021035   AAETXXXX          SRX HD Mezzanine Card
    FPC 0            REV 19   750-031019   AAERXXXX          SRX1k 10GE SYSIO
    FPC 1            REV 15   750-016077   AADNXXXX          SRX3k SPC
    FPC 3            REV 19   750-017866   AAEZXXXX          SRX3k NPC
    Fan Tray         -N/A-    -N/A-        -N/A-             SRX 1400 Fan Tray
    root@p2> show chassis fpc
                         Temp  CPU Utilization (%)   Memory    Utilization (%)
    Slot State            (C)  Total  Interrupt      DRAM (MB) Heap     Buffer
      0  Present           29
      1  Present           19
      2  Empty
      3  Present           19
    root@p2> show chassis fpc detail
    Slot 0 information:
      State                                 Present
      Temperature                        29
      Total CPU DRAM                      0 MB
      Total RLDRAM                        0 MB
      Total DDR DRAM                      0 MB
      Max Power Consumption               0 Watts
    Slot 1 information:
      State                                 Present
      Temperature                        19
      Total CPU DRAM                      0 MB
      Total RLDRAM                        0 MB
      Total DDR DRAM                      0 MB
      Max Power Consumption               0 Watts
    Slot 3 information:
      State                                 Present
      Temperature                        19
      Total CPU DRAM                      0 MB
      Total RLDRAM                        0 MB
      Total DDR DRAM                      0 MB
      Max Power Consumption               0 Watts
    root@p2> show interfaces terse
    Interface               Admin Link Proto    Local                 Remote
    gr-0/0/0                up    up
    ip-0/0/0                up    up
    lt-0/0/0                up    up
    avs0                    up    up
    avs1                    up    up
    avs1.0                  up    up   inet         --> 0/0
                                       inet6    fe80::199
    dsc                     up    up
    em0                     up    up
    em0.0                   up    up   inet
                                       inet6    fe80::200:ff:fe00:4/64
                                       tnp      0x4
    em1                     up    up
    em1.0                   up    up   inet
                                       inet6    fe80::200:1ff:fe00:4/64
                                       tnp      0x4
    fxp0                    up    up
    fxp0.0                  up    up   inet
    gre                     up    up
    ipip                    up    up
    irb                     up    up
    lo0                     up    up
    lo0.16384               up    up   inet           --> 0/0
    lo0.16385               up    up   inet
    lsi                     up    up
    mtun                    up    up
    pimd                    up    up
    pime                    up    up
    ppd0                    up    up
    ppe0                    up    up
    st0                     up    up
    tap                     up    up
    root@p2> show interfaces ge-0/0/0
    error: device ge-0/0/0 not found
    root@p2> show configuration
    ## Last commit: 2016-03-21 23:05:44 UTC by root
    version 12.1X44-D35.5;
    system {
        host-name p2;
        root-authentication {
            encrypted-password "$1$/8DJ.cHX$qaZkzKe6gYHA0BcWfUcvf0"; ## SECRET-DATA
        syslog {
            user * {
                any emergency;
            file messages {
                any notice;
                authorization info;
            file interactive-commands {
                interactive-commands any;
        license {
            autoupdate {
    interfaces {
        ge-0/0/0 {
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        fxp0 {
            unit 0 {
                family inet {


  • 2.  RE: SRX1400 - SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE - Interfaces won't come up/"device not found"/FPC stays "present"

    Posted 03-22-2016 13:25

    The light on the SPC also stays blinking green - the only thing I can find regarding that is "The SPC is preparing for hot-swap event." - which doesn't tell me much.


    I feel like I'm missing something obvious here. I've scoured the documentation but am at a loss.

  • 3.  RE: SRX1400 - SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE - Interfaces won't come up/"device not found"/FPC stays "present"

    Posted 03-24-2016 02:18

    Have you tried bringing the cards online?  You can do that either by holding the "online" button in for 5 seconds, or by issuing the cli command "request chassis fpc slot slot <x> online".

  • 4.  RE: SRX1400 - SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE - Interfaces won't come up/"device not found"/FPC stays "present"

    Posted 03-28-2016 14:42

    Yes. I get:


    root@p2> request chassis fpc online slot 3
    Online initiated, use "show chassis fpc" to verify

    Holding the button for 5 seconds appears to do nothing.


    Here is my chassisd log:


    root@p2> show log chassisd | last
    Mar 28 21:34:48  fpm_a10_set_re_master_led: RECB#0 - active(blue) LED turned on
    Mar 28 21:34:48  send: clear all chassis class alarms
    Mar 28 21:34:48  ch_failover_init: Setting failover state to Disabled
    Mar 28 21:34:48  ch_info_local_hw_error_blob_update: HWMon rg0_num_errors 0, rg1_num_errors 0
    Mar 28 21:34:48  ch_info_local_hw_error_blob_set: HWMon got RG0 0 flag RG1 0 flag
    Mar 28 21:34:48  initial startup complete
    Mar 28 21:34:48  main initialization done....
    Mar 28 21:34:48  INFO: no PEM is online yet
    Mar 28 21:34:49  alarmd connection completed
    Mar 28 21:34:49  send: clear all chassis class alarms
    Mar 28 21:34:49  craftd connection completed
    Mar 28 21:34:49  sending 1 queued messages to craftd
    Mar 28 21:34:54  INFO: no PEM is online yet
    Mar 28 21:34:59  recb_set_cluster_info: fru->fru_slot 0, issu_win 0, i2cgroup 0x16, fd 5, issu 0
    Mar 28 21:34:59  recb_power_up_cpps: CPP in slot 0 is powered up
    Mar 28 21:34:59  INFO: num_pems 1
    Mar 28 21:37:44  fpc_a10_ok_to_powerup : waiting CPP to be powered up ...
    Mar 28 21:37:48  fpc_a10_ok_to_powerup : waiting CPP to be powered up ...
    Mar 28 21:37:52  fpc_a10_ok_to_powerup : waiting CPP to be powered up ...
    Mar 28 21:40:12  fpc_a10_ok_to_powerup : waiting CPP to be powered up ...


    EDIT: To clarify, neither of these appear to do anything. I do get the "waiting CPP to be powered up..." in the logs though.

  • 5.  RE: SRX1400 - SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE - Interfaces won't come up/"device not found"/FPC stays "present"
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-08-2016 11:58

    Posting a follow up since I finally figured this out and got it resolved.


    So when we first got this SRX in, my techs hooked it up without an NPC/SPC. Not realizing the NPC was necessary to configure/go live, they started troubleshooting and apparently pulled out the RAM on the Routing Engine during their troubleshooting. When the SRX boots, it only shows 1GB RAM, but it actually has 2GB (2 x 1GB DIMMs). So they left one RAM stick out, thinking it was bad (it wasn't). The SYSIO-XGE will NOT go into ONLINE if there is only 1GB RAM in the RE. We went through with an identical SRX1400 and swapped every single module until we pulled the RE and realized it only had on RAM stick.


    So there you have it... in case someone else comes across this in the future.


  • 6.  RE: SRX1400 - SRX1K-SYSIO-XGE - Interfaces won't come up/"device not found"/FPC stays "present"

    Posted 10-05-2017 20:18


    Good day.


    I have the same case, how do you resolv?


    What component remplace?


    Are you usage a some command?


    I am have so much stress with my srx