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Dear Geeks ,
I have SRX210HE2 , i need to know bw usage per ip ? is it possible and how ?
Mohammad R.
You can see interface BW usage using the following command :
'monitor interface traffic' will give you pps for all the interfaces.
For BW usage for specific IP , we may have to rely on external minitoring tools like SNMP /j-flow .
Remember that monitor traffic interface only captures exception (control) traffic to/from the Routing Engine. If does not capture transit traffic going through your device.
Hello ,
For clarification :
" Monitor traffic interfacer " --> captures exception (control) traffic to/from the Routing Engine
" Monitor interface traffic" --> Gives the statistics for all traffic ( host inbound-RE traffic & transit also ).
To report on usage that way you will need to collect flow records into a system that can report on them.
nfsen is a free open source project that can be used as a collector and reporting tool.
then on the SRX you will forward the flow records to this server.