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  • 1.  SRX Firewall Support Contract

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 02-15-2024 16:05
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hello community. I am working for an organization that currently owns a small number Juniper SRX firewalls. Our in-house expertise is in software and not firewall configuration management. I am looking for a person or organization that can offer occasional support with configuration changes that are beyond our knowledge and capabilities. Is anyone able to recommend a person or business that offers limited support? I would prefer to pay time and expense rather than having an ongoing support contract as I am not sure how much support we will actually need. Thanks

  • 2.  RE: SRX Firewall Support Contract

    Posted 02-16-2024 09:52

    I'm surprised there are not a lot of people jumping at this opportunity, there are many Network MSPs that would offer a low rate T&M as well as contractors that would be willing to work with you on this. However, this platform is not an advertising medium so we have to respect that.

    Have a look around and do your research.

    Think about if you need someone local or if you are ok with providing remote smart hands as needed. This will make a big difference on your negotiated price.

    Think about time zones, as some Juniper engineers may be outside of your standard hours, this can lengthen response/resolution times.

    Good luck my friend!


  • 3.  RE: SRX Firewall Support Contract

    Posted 02-16-2024 11:35

    In another time, I would have jumped on this. 

    But I left the IT/Telecom world back in 2001 after the dotBUST.  (I still have some Adtran, Ascend and other neato telco gear - one day I'm gonna set up a mock-CO for the vintage fairs for my friends to plug in all their modems. :D )

    I went back to working in electronics design. It's a much happier space for me designing PCBs, FPGAs and tangible things that make clients happy. 

    The only reason I still hang out here is because some of my EE clients also have IT needs. So for them, I do it as a favor. 

    The big IT players typically drive me crazy with their ways. Juniper is no exception. Their constant need/desire to make major config syntax changes between firmware major revisions requiring many hours testing/debugging configs on text units before moving to production hardware is maddening. 

    So yea... for sake of my mental health, I'll stick to FPGA designs. (LoL - speaking of which, some firmware is calling my name.)

    To the poster, good luck in your search!

    Ben Kamen

  • 4.  RE: SRX Firewall Support Contract

    Posted 02-17-2024 01:04


    U can pm me...we do this job..

  • 5.  RE: SRX Firewall Support Contract

    Posted 02-17-2024 11:54

    PM me with more details. We may help you.


  • 6.  RE: SRX Firewall Support Contract

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 02-17-2024 17:09
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous


    I have srx300 experience - setup/deployment/atp configurations, I'd like to learn more about it.