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Source based routing on vSRX

  • 1.  Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 02-28-2019 11:16

    I'm trying to get routing configured on an AWS vSRX which will be responsible for routing 4 different subnets (mgmt, untrust, trust, & dmz). Right now I'm having trouble getting the dmz ( and trust ( subnets to behave. Based on recommendations listed here Juniper vSRX AWS Documentation I've created 3 different routing-instances to handle the routing needs of the 3 subnets I care about (untrust, dmz, & trust). 


    interfaces {
        ge-0/0/0 {
            description rtr-or-west2a-untrust-juniper;
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        ge-0/0/1 {
            description rtr-or-west2a-trust-juniper;
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        ge-0/0/2 {
            description rtr-or-west2a-dmz-juniper;
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
    routing-instances {
        aws-dmz {
            instance-type virtual-router;
            interface ge-0/0/2.0;
            routing-options {
                static {
                    route next-hop;
        aws-trust {
            instance-type virtual-router;
            interface ge-0/0/1.0;
            routing-options {
                static {
                    route next-hop;
        aws-untrust {
            instance-type virtual-router;
            interface ge-0/0/0.0;
            routing-options {
                static {
                    route next-hop;

    I figured I needed to do this because I would need to point my corporate static route of to the appropriate router in AWS. My host on the dmz subnet (pointing to the dmz interface as it's default gateway) isn't able to ping my corporate resources. Is this the correct setup? Should I be throwing the dmz & trust interface in the same routing-instance and setting up some sort of policy based route so if a packet is coming from my dmz network? 


    Perhaps the problem is something else??? I'm able to ping the dmz interface from my corporate network. I'm at a loss, can someone assist me here?

  • 2.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 02-28-2019 11:26

    Perhaps setup my routing-instances like this and setup some sort of policy based routing to cover the correct IP address for the dmz subnet to access my corporate resources.


    aws-trust {
        instance-type virtual-router;
        interface ge-0/0/1.0;
        interface ge-0/0/2.0;
        routing-options {
            static {
                route next-hop;
    aws-untrust {
        instance-type virtual-router;
        interface ge-0/0/0.0;
        routing-options {
            static {
                route next-hop;

  • 3.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 02-28-2019 15:04

    I'm not familiar with the AWS interface but those don't look like routing instances only creating separate subnets assigned to zones.


    A virtual router routing instance creates a completely separate routing table as if a separate router were in use.  You seem to only really need a singel router with three interfaces each in their own zone.


  • 4.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 02-28-2019 15:46

    I'm pretty sure the code at the bottom the first block of code is routing-instances. The recommendations from Juniper for a vSRX in AWS is to create a second routing-instance to isolate the management traffic on fxp0.0 from the revenue interfaces ge-0/0/0,1,2. I just expanded on that to create 2 more to further isolate the route tables for 0,1 & 2. I can bunch them all into their own instance but then my route statement of is pointing to an IP ( that only the trust subnet can contact. The traffic from my DMZ would need to be able to route their traffic destined for to and I don't know how to do that.

  • 5.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-01-2019 02:33

    Yes it is common to put the mgmt in a separate routing instance to keep mgmt traffic off the production network.


    but your production subnets need to talk to each other so isolating them into separate routing domains creates communications problems for you.  We only use routing instances to isolate subnets from other subnets or interfaces on the same box.


  • 6.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-01-2019 10:37

    As Steve mentioned, you probably don't need to separate your subnets into different routing-instances, as you can control traffic between interfaces with security policies. 


    If you still feel the need to have them in separate routing instances (thus, different routing tables) you can use filter based forwarding, or tricks like static routes with next-table instead of next-hop, to send traffic from one routing-instance to the other, and will probably need to do some route sharing between the tables with maybe rib-groups.


    It is possible to do things like that, but it can get complex. So, unless you really need that, why not just keep them in the same routing table and use security policies to control traffic between the interfaces?  

  • 7.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-01-2019 12:07

    OK, I've got all 3 of my revenue interfaces located in one separate routing-instance per the recommendations from Juniper


    security {
        flow {
            traceoptions {
                file joshua-stage;
                flag all;
                packet-filter packet-filter1 {
                    protocol icmp;
        nat {
            source {
                rule-set trust-to-untrust {
                    from zone [ dmz trust ];
                    to zone untrust;
                    rule source-nat-rule {
                        match {
                        then {
                            source-nat {
        policies {
            from-zone trust to-zone untrust {
                policy default_allow {
                    match {
                        source-address any;
                        destination-address any;
                        application junos-ping;
                    then {
            from-zone dmz to-zone untrust {
                policy default_allow {
                    match {
                        source-address any;
                        destination-address any;
                        application junos-ping;
                    then {
            from-zone trust to-zone dmz {
                policy default_allow {
                    match {
                        source-address any;
                        destination-address any;
                        application junos-ping;
                    then {
            from-zone dmz to-zone trust {
                policy default_allow {
                    match {
                        source-address any;
                        destination-address any;
                        application junos-ping;
                    then {
        zones {
            security-zone untrust {
                interfaces {
                    ge-0/0/0.0 {
                        host-inbound-traffic {
                            system-services {
            security-zone trust {
                interfaces {
                    ge-0/0/1.0 {
                        host-inbound-traffic {
                            system-services {
            security-zone dmz {
                interfaces {
                    ge-0/0/2.0 {
                        host-inbound-traffic {
                            system-services {
    interfaces {
        ge-0/0/0 {
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        ge-0/0/1 {
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        ge-0/0/2 {
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
    routing-instances {
        aws {
            instance-type virtual-router;
            interface ge-0/0/0.0;
            interface ge-0/0/1.0;
            interface ge-0/0/2.0;
            routing-options {
                static {
                    route next-hop;
                    route next-hop;

    I'm still not seeing ICMP traffic sourced from my DMZ interface to my workstation on-prem. I see it when it's sourced from the trust interface but not DMZ. Not sure my next steps here.

  • 8.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-01-2019 12:54

    Can you ping it from the SRX using the address of the DMZ interface as source?

    What zone is your workstation on?

    What does the packet trace show you when you attend to ping from the DMZ (show log joshua-stage)?

    Do you see a flow created in the session table (show security flow session)?  

  • 9.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-01-2019 14:27

    @ylara wrote:

    Can you ping it from the SRX using the address of the DMZ interface as source?

    What zone is your workstation on?

    What does the packet trace show you when you attend to ping from the DMZ (show log joshua-stage)?

    Do you see a flow created in the session table (show security flow session)?  

    I cannot ping my workstation using the DMZ interface as a source. I can using the Trust interface as a source. 


    Well that's a good question. My workstation should be on trust since the default route on the routing-instance is going out the AWS default router for the Trust interface. There isn't an interface in my trust zone that specifically references my on-prem networks. 


    Here is my joshua-stage log file

    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179019:CID-0:RT:  route lookup: dest-ip orig ifp .local..4 output_ifp .local..4  orig-zone 2 out-zone 2 need_clear_fto 0 vsd 0, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179020:CID-0:RT:  route to
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179021:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179022:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179024:CID-0:RT:no need update ha
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179024:CID-0:RT:updating pending sess (39105) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179025:CID-0:RT:first path session installation succeeded
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179026:CID-0:RT:  flow got session.
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179026:CID-0:RT:  flow session id 39105
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179028:CID-0:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x8cfcfa90
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179030:CID-0:RT:mbuf 0x7cdae000, exit nh 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179031:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: Freeing lpak 0x7ffffeffd270 associated with mbuf 0x7cdae000
    Mar  1 22:19:02 22:19:02.179032:CID-0:RT: ----- flow_process_pkt rc 0x0 (fp rc 0)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179626:CID-0:RT:<>;1,0x0> matched filter packet-filter1:
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179633:CID-0:RT:packet [84] ipid = 801, @0x15f983fce
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179634:CID-0:RT:---- flow_process_pkt: (thd 1): flow_ctxt type 0, common flag 0x0, mbuf 0x7cdade00, rtbl_idx = 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179637:CID-0:RT:flow process pak, mbuf 0x7cdade00, ifl 0, ctxt_type 0 inq type 5
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179638:CID-0:RT: in_ifp <junos-host:.local..0>
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179640:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: setting rtt in lpak to 0x54f74e80
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179641:CID-0:RT:host inq check inq_type 0x5
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179642:CID-0:RT:Using out_ifp from pfe_tag with index 72
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179645:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179648:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179650:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179652:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179653:CID-0:RT: ipv4 from host, pfe tag vr id set 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179653:CID-0:RT:Using vr id from pfe_tag with value= 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179655:CID-0:RT:Changing lpak->in_ifp from:.local..0 -> to:.local..4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179656:CID-0:RT:Over-riding lpak->vsys with 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179659:CID-0:RT:  .local..4:>, icmp, (8/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179661:CID-0:RT: find flow: table 0x28fb7580, hash 164847(0x7ffff), sa, da, sp 12, dp 39466, proto 1, tok 16386, conn-tag 0x00000000
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179664:CID-0:RT:  no session found, start first path. in_tunnel - 0x0, from_cp_flag - 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179668:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_create_session
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179671:CID-0:RT:Save init hash spu id 0 to nsp and nsp2!
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179673:CID-0:RT:(flow_first_create_session) usp_tagged set session as mng session
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179673:CID-0:RT:Installing pending sess (39106) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179674:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a36c0, id=39106
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179675:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a36c0, id=39106
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179676:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_in_dst_nat: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/2.0> dst_adr, sp 12, dp 39466
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179677:CID-0:RT:  chose interface .local..4 as incoming nat if.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179680:CID-0:RT:flow_first_rule_dst_xlate: packet> nsp2>
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179682:CID-0:RT:[JSF] Do ingress interest check. regd ingress plugins(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179686:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-apbr-main(9), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179686:CID-0:RT:[JSF][0]plugins(0x0) enabled for session = 39106  implicit mask(0x0), service request(0x0)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179687:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin ingress interested for session 39106
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179688:CID-0:RT:flow_first_routing: vr_id 4, call flow_route_lookup(): src_ip, x_dst_ip, in ifp .local..4, out ifp ge-0/0/2.0 sp 12, dp 39466, ip_proto 1, tos 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179690:CID-0:RT:Doing DESTINATION addr route-lookup
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179691:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179692:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a434100,nh id 0x248, out if 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179694:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179694:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179698:CID-0:RT:Checking in-ifp from .local..4 to ge-0/0/2.0 for src: in vr_id:4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179699:CID-0:RT:  routed (x_dst_ip from junos-host (.local..4 in 0) to ge-0/0/1.0, Next-hop:
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179701:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: policy search from zone junos-host-> zone trust (0x0,0xc9a2a,0x9a2a)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179704:CID-0:RT:Policy lkup: vsys 0 zone(2:junos-host) -> zone(8:trust) scope:0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179705:CID-0:RT:    -> proto 1
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179709:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: dynapp_none_policy: TRUE, is_final: 0x0, is_explicit: 0x0, policy_meta_data: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179710:CID-0:RT:  app 0, timeout 60s, curr ageout 60s
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179711:CID-0:RT:  permitted by policy self-traffic-policy(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179712:CID-0:RT:  packet passed, Permitted by policy.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179714:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  nat_src_xlated: False, nat_src_xlate_failed: False
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179715:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  incoming src port is : 3072.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179718:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate: src nat returns status: 0, rule/pool id: 0/0, pst_nat: False, nat_eim: False.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179719:CID-0:RT:  dip id = 0/0,> protocol 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179722:CID-0:RT:  choose interface ge-0/0/1.0(P2P) as outgoing phy if
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179723:CID-0:RT:is_loop_pak: No loop: on ifp: ge-0/0/1.0, addr:, rtt_idx:4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179725:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Normal interest check. regd plugins 37, enabled impl mask 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179727:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-screen-adapter(2), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179729:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179729:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-adapter(3), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179731:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom(5), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179733:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179734:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-jdpi(6), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179735:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-pkt(7), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179737:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp(8), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179738:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw(10), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179740:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqos(11), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179741:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-secintel(12), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179743:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp(13), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179745:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw(14), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179746:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179747:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-userfw(15), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179749:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-ssl-proxy(17), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179750:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-stream-adapter(19), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179751:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp-stream(21), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179752:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw-stream(22), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179753:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp-stream(23), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179754:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw-stream(24), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179755:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179756:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179757:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-captive-portal(25), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179758:CID-0:RT:+++++++++++jsf_test_plugin_data_evh: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179758:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-test(26), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179761:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179761:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-alg(27), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179762:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-stream(28), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179763:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179765:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm(29), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179766:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179767:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-icap-redirect(30), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179768:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-log(31), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179769:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom-stream(32), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179781:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-remote-access-gw(33), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179783:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-gprs(36), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179785:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-uac(37), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 2
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179787:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqoe(45), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179788:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Plugins(0x0, count 0) enabled for session = 39106, impli mask(0x0), post_nat cnt 0 svc req(0x2c7a3780)
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179790:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin interested for session 39106, free sess plugin info
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179790:CID-0:RT:jsf pre int check result 0 0 0 0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179791:CID-0:RT:flow_first_service_lookup(): natp(0x2c7a36c0): app_id, 0(0).
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179792:CID-0:RT:  service lookup identified service 0.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179792:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_final_check: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/1.0>
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179793:CID-0:RT:In flow_first_complete_session
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179794:CID-0:RT:flow_first_complete_session, pak_ptr: 0x7ffffeffd270, nsp: 0x2c7a36c0, in_tunnel: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179795:CID-0:RT:before copy: nsp vec_list 0x0, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179795:CID-0:RT:after copy: nsp vec_list 0x200, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179796:CID-0:RT:construct v4 vector for nsp2 and nsp
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179796:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179797:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp2: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179797:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179798:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179798:CID-0:RT:  Session (id:39106) created for first pak 200
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179799:CID-0:RT:first pak processing successful
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179799:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_install_session======> 0x2c7a36c0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179800:CID-0:RT: nsp 0x2c7a36c0, nsp2 0x2c7a3780
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179800:CID-0:RT:  make_nsp_ready_no_resolve()
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179801:CID-0:RT:make_nsp_ready_no_resolve: Route Lookup for dest route.  Src_ip  Dst_ip  protocal 1  ifp .local..4, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179804:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179804:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179805:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179806:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179806:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179808:CID-0:RT:  route lookup: dest-ip orig ifp .local..4 output_ifp .local..4  orig-zone 2 out-zone 2 need_clear_fto 0 vsd 0, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179809:CID-0:RT:  route to
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179810:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179811:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179812:CID-0:RT:no need update ha
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179813:CID-0:RT:updating pending sess (39106) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179814:CID-0:RT:first path session installation succeeded
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179814:CID-0:RT:  flow got session.
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179815:CID-0:RT:  flow session id 39106
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179816:CID-0:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x8cfcfa90
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179818:CID-0:RT:mbuf 0x7cdade00, exit nh 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179819:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: Freeing lpak 0x7ffffeffd270 associated with mbuf 0x7cdade00
    Mar  1 22:19:03 22:19:03.179820:CID-0:RT: ----- flow_process_pkt rc 0x0 (fp rc 0)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180794:CID-0:RT:<>;1,0x0> matched filter packet-filter1:
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180809:CID-0:RT:packet [84] ipid = 843, @0x15f983bce
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180811:CID-0:RT:---- flow_process_pkt: (thd 1): flow_ctxt type 0, common flag 0x0, mbuf 0x7cdadc00, rtbl_idx = 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180813:CID-0:RT:flow process pak, mbuf 0x7cdadc00, ifl 0, ctxt_type 0 inq type 5
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180814:CID-0:RT: in_ifp <junos-host:.local..0>
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180815:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: setting rtt in lpak to 0x54f74e80
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180816:CID-0:RT:host inq check inq_type 0x5
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180817:CID-0:RT:Using out_ifp from pfe_tag with index 72
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180819:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180822:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180823:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180824:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180825:CID-0:RT: ipv4 from host, pfe tag vr id set 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180825:CID-0:RT:Using vr id from pfe_tag with value= 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180827:CID-0:RT:Changing lpak->in_ifp from:.local..0 -> to:.local..4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180827:CID-0:RT:Over-riding lpak->vsys with 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180830:CID-0:RT:  .local..4:>, icmp, (8/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180832:CID-0:RT: find flow: table 0x28fb7580, hash 165164(0x7ffff), sa, da, sp 13, dp 39466, proto 1, tok 16386, conn-tag 0x00000000
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180835:CID-0:RT:  no session found, start first path. in_tunnel - 0x0, from_cp_flag - 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180838:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_create_session
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180841:CID-0:RT:Save init hash spu id 0 to nsp and nsp2!
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180842:CID-0:RT:(flow_first_create_session) usp_tagged set session as mng session
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180843:CID-0:RT:Installing pending sess (39107) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180844:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a39c0, id=39107
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180845:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a39c0, id=39107
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180846:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_in_dst_nat: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/2.0> dst_adr, sp 13, dp 39466
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180847:CID-0:RT:  chose interface .local..4 as incoming nat if.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180850:CID-0:RT:flow_first_rule_dst_xlate: packet> nsp2>
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180852:CID-0:RT:[JSF] Do ingress interest check. regd ingress plugins(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180855:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-apbr-main(9), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180856:CID-0:RT:[JSF][0]plugins(0x0) enabled for session = 39107  implicit mask(0x0), service request(0x0)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180857:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin ingress interested for session 39107
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180857:CID-0:RT:flow_first_routing: vr_id 4, call flow_route_lookup(): src_ip, x_dst_ip, in ifp .local..4, out ifp ge-0/0/2.0 sp 13, dp 39466, ip_proto 1, tos 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180859:CID-0:RT:Doing DESTINATION addr route-lookup
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180860:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180861:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a434100,nh id 0x248, out if 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180863:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180864:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180867:CID-0:RT:Checking in-ifp from .local..4 to ge-0/0/2.0 for src: in vr_id:4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180868:CID-0:RT:  routed (x_dst_ip from junos-host (.local..4 in 0) to ge-0/0/1.0, Next-hop:
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180870:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: policy search from zone junos-host-> zone trust (0x0,0xd9a2a,0x9a2a)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180874:CID-0:RT:Policy lkup: vsys 0 zone(2:junos-host) -> zone(8:trust) scope:0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180874:CID-0:RT:    -> proto 1
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180878:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: dynapp_none_policy: TRUE, is_final: 0x0, is_explicit: 0x0, policy_meta_data: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180880:CID-0:RT:  app 0, timeout 60s, curr ageout 60s
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180881:CID-0:RT:  permitted by policy self-traffic-policy(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180882:CID-0:RT:  packet passed, Permitted by policy.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180883:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  nat_src_xlated: False, nat_src_xlate_failed: False
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180884:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  incoming src port is : 3328.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180887:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate: src nat returns status: 0, rule/pool id: 0/0, pst_nat: False, nat_eim: False.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180888:CID-0:RT:  dip id = 0/0,> protocol 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180891:CID-0:RT:  choose interface ge-0/0/1.0(P2P) as outgoing phy if
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180892:CID-0:RT:is_loop_pak: No loop: on ifp: ge-0/0/1.0, addr:, rtt_idx:4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180894:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Normal interest check. regd plugins 37, enabled impl mask 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180896:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-screen-adapter(2), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180897:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180898:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-adapter(3), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180900:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom(5), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180902:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180903:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-jdpi(6), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180904:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-pkt(7), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180906:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp(8), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180907:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw(10), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180909:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqos(11), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180911:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-secintel(12), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180913:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp(13), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180914:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw(14), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180915:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180916:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-userfw(15), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180917:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-ssl-proxy(17), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180919:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-stream-adapter(19), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180920:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp-stream(21), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180921:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw-stream(22), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180922:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp-stream(23), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180923:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw-stream(24), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180924:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180926:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180926:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-captive-portal(25), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180927:CID-0:RT:+++++++++++jsf_test_plugin_data_evh: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180928:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-test(26), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180930:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180930:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-alg(27), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180931:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-stream(28), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180932:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180935:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm(29), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180936:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180937:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-icap-redirect(30), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180937:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-log(31), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180938:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom-stream(32), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180939:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-remote-access-gw(33), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180941:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-gprs(36), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180941:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-uac(37), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 2
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180943:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqoe(45), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180944:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Plugins(0x0, count 0) enabled for session = 39107, impli mask(0x0), post_nat cnt 0 svc req(0x2c7a3a80)
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180945:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin interested for session 39107, free sess plugin info
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180945:CID-0:RT:jsf pre int check result 0 0 0 0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180946:CID-0:RT:flow_first_service_lookup(): natp(0x2c7a39c0): app_id, 0(0).
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180947:CID-0:RT:  service lookup identified service 0.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180947:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_final_check: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/1.0>
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180948:CID-0:RT:In flow_first_complete_session
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180949:CID-0:RT:flow_first_complete_session, pak_ptr: 0x7ffffeffd270, nsp: 0x2c7a39c0, in_tunnel: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180950:CID-0:RT:before copy: nsp vec_list 0x0, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180951:CID-0:RT:after copy: nsp vec_list 0x200, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180951:CID-0:RT:construct v4 vector for nsp2 and nsp
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180952:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180952:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp2: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180952:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180953:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180953:CID-0:RT:  Session (id:39107) created for first pak 200
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180954:CID-0:RT:first pak processing successful
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180954:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_install_session======> 0x2c7a39c0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180955:CID-0:RT: nsp 0x2c7a39c0, nsp2 0x2c7a3a80
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180956:CID-0:RT:  make_nsp_ready_no_resolve()
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180956:CID-0:RT:make_nsp_ready_no_resolve: Route Lookup for dest route.  Src_ip  Dst_ip  protocal 1  ifp .local..4, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180958:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180959:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180960:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180960:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180961:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180962:CID-0:RT:  route lookup: dest-ip orig ifp .local..4 output_ifp .local..4  orig-zone 2 out-zone 2 need_clear_fto 0 vsd 0, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180964:CID-0:RT:  route to
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180965:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180965:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180967:CID-0:RT:no need update ha
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180967:CID-0:RT:updating pending sess (39107) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180968:CID-0:RT:first path session installation succeeded
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180969:CID-0:RT:  flow got session.
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180969:CID-0:RT:  flow session id 39107
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180971:CID-0:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x8cfcfa90
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180973:CID-0:RT:mbuf 0x7cdadc00, exit nh 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180974:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: Freeing lpak 0x7ffffeffd270 associated with mbuf 0x7cdadc00
    Mar  1 22:19:04 22:19:04.180975:CID-0:RT: ----- flow_process_pkt rc 0x0 (fp rc 0)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181924:CID-0:RT:<>;1,0x0> matched filter packet-filter1:
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181936:CID-0:RT:packet [84] ipid = 869, @0x15f9837ce
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181939:CID-0:RT:---- flow_process_pkt: (thd 1): flow_ctxt type 0, common flag 0x0, mbuf 0x7cdada00, rtbl_idx = 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181944:CID-0:RT:flow process pak, mbuf 0x7cdada00, ifl 0, ctxt_type 0 inq type 5
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181947:CID-0:RT: in_ifp <junos-host:.local..0>
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181949:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: setting rtt in lpak to 0x54f74e80
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181952:CID-0:RT:host inq check inq_type 0x5
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181955:CID-0:RT:Using out_ifp from pfe_tag with index 72
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181959:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181964:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181967:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181970:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181972:CID-0:RT: ipv4 from host, pfe tag vr id set 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181974:CID-0:RT:Using vr id from pfe_tag with value= 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181977:CID-0:RT:Changing lpak->in_ifp from:.local..0 -> to:.local..4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181979:CID-0:RT:Over-riding lpak->vsys with 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.181984:CID-0:RT:  .local..4:>, icmp, (8/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182001:CID-0:RT: find flow: table 0x28fb7580, hash 149573(0x7ffff), sa, da, sp 14, dp 39466, proto 1, tok 16386, conn-tag 0x00000000
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182005:CID-0:RT:  no session found, start first path. in_tunnel - 0x0, from_cp_flag - 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182008:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_create_session
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182011:CID-0:RT:Save init hash spu id 0 to nsp and nsp2!
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182013:CID-0:RT:(flow_first_create_session) usp_tagged set session as mng session
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182014:CID-0:RT:Installing pending sess (39108) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182015:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a3cc0, id=39108
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182016:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a3cc0, id=39108
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182017:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_in_dst_nat: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/2.0> dst_adr, sp 14, dp 39466
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182019:CID-0:RT:  chose interface .local..4 as incoming nat if.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182022:CID-0:RT:flow_first_rule_dst_xlate: packet> nsp2>
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182024:CID-0:RT:[JSF] Do ingress interest check. regd ingress plugins(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182027:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-apbr-main(9), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182028:CID-0:RT:[JSF][0]plugins(0x0) enabled for session = 39108  implicit mask(0x0), service request(0x0)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182029:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin ingress interested for session 39108
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182029:CID-0:RT:flow_first_routing: vr_id 4, call flow_route_lookup(): src_ip, x_dst_ip, in ifp .local..4, out ifp ge-0/0/2.0 sp 14, dp 39466, ip_proto 1, tos 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182031:CID-0:RT:Doing DESTINATION addr route-lookup
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182032:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182033:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a434100,nh id 0x248, out if 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182035:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182035:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182038:CID-0:RT:Checking in-ifp from .local..4 to ge-0/0/2.0 for src: in vr_id:4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182039:CID-0:RT:  routed (x_dst_ip from junos-host (.local..4 in 0) to ge-0/0/1.0, Next-hop:
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182042:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: policy search from zone junos-host-> zone trust (0x0,0xe9a2a,0x9a2a)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182045:CID-0:RT:Policy lkup: vsys 0 zone(2:junos-host) -> zone(8:trust) scope:0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182046:CID-0:RT:    -> proto 1
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182050:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: dynapp_none_policy: TRUE, is_final: 0x0, is_explicit: 0x0, policy_meta_data: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182051:CID-0:RT:  app 0, timeout 60s, curr ageout 60s
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182052:CID-0:RT:  permitted by policy self-traffic-policy(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182053:CID-0:RT:  packet passed, Permitted by policy.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182054:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  nat_src_xlated: False, nat_src_xlate_failed: False
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182055:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  incoming src port is : 3584.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182058:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate: src nat returns status: 0, rule/pool id: 0/0, pst_nat: False, nat_eim: False.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182059:CID-0:RT:  dip id = 0/0,> protocol 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182061:CID-0:RT:  choose interface ge-0/0/1.0(P2P) as outgoing phy if
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182062:CID-0:RT:is_loop_pak: No loop: on ifp: ge-0/0/1.0, addr:, rtt_idx:4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182064:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Normal interest check. regd plugins 37, enabled impl mask 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182066:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-screen-adapter(2), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182068:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182068:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-adapter(3), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182070:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom(5), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182072:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182073:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-jdpi(6), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182074:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-pkt(7), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182076:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp(8), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182077:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw(10), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182079:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqos(11), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182080:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-secintel(12), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182082:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp(13), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182084:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw(14), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182085:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182086:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-userfw(15), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182087:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-ssl-proxy(17), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182089:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-stream-adapter(19), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182090:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp-stream(21), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182091:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw-stream(22), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182092:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp-stream(23), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182093:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw-stream(24), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182094:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182095:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182096:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-captive-portal(25), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182096:CID-0:RT:+++++++++++jsf_test_plugin_data_evh: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182097:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-test(26), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182100:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182100:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-alg(27), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182101:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-stream(28), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182102:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182104:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm(29), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182105:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182106:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-icap-redirect(30), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182107:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-log(31), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182108:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom-stream(32), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182109:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-remote-access-gw(33), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182110:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-gprs(36), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182110:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-uac(37), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 2
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182112:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqoe(45), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182113:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Plugins(0x0, count 0) enabled for session = 39108, impli mask(0x0), post_nat cnt 0 svc req(0x2c7a3d80)
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182114:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin interested for session 39108, free sess plugin info
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182114:CID-0:RT:jsf pre int check result 0 0 0 0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182115:CID-0:RT:flow_first_service_lookup(): natp(0x2c7a3cc0): app_id, 0(0).
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182116:CID-0:RT:  service lookup identified service 0.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182116:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_final_check: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/1.0>
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182117:CID-0:RT:In flow_first_complete_session
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182118:CID-0:RT:flow_first_complete_session, pak_ptr: 0x7ffffeffd270, nsp: 0x2c7a3cc0, in_tunnel: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182119:CID-0:RT:before copy: nsp vec_list 0x0, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182119:CID-0:RT:after copy: nsp vec_list 0x200, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182120:CID-0:RT:construct v4 vector for nsp2 and nsp
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182120:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182121:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp2: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182121:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182121:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182122:CID-0:RT:  Session (id:39108) created for first pak 200
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182122:CID-0:RT:first pak processing successful
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182123:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_install_session======> 0x2c7a3cc0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182123:CID-0:RT: nsp 0x2c7a3cc0, nsp2 0x2c7a3d80
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182124:CID-0:RT:  make_nsp_ready_no_resolve()
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182125:CID-0:RT:make_nsp_ready_no_resolve: Route Lookup for dest route.  Src_ip  Dst_ip  protocal 1  ifp .local..4, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182127:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182128:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182128:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182129:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182129:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182131:CID-0:RT:  route lookup: dest-ip orig ifp .local..4 output_ifp .local..4  orig-zone 2 out-zone 2 need_clear_fto 0 vsd 0, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182132:CID-0:RT:  route to
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182133:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182134:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182135:CID-0:RT:no need update ha
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182136:CID-0:RT:updating pending sess (39108) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182136:CID-0:RT:first path session installation succeeded
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182137:CID-0:RT:  flow got session.
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182138:CID-0:RT:  flow session id 39108
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182139:CID-0:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x8cfcfa90
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182141:CID-0:RT:mbuf 0x7cdada00, exit nh 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182142:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: Freeing lpak 0x7ffffeffd270 associated with mbuf 0x7cdada00
    Mar  1 22:19:05 22:19:05.182143:CID-0:RT: ----- flow_process_pkt rc 0x0 (fp rc 0)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182570:CID-0:RT:<>;1,0x0> matched filter packet-filter1:
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182574:CID-0:RT:packet [84] ipid = 900, @0x15f9833ce
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182576:CID-0:RT:---- flow_process_pkt: (thd 1): flow_ctxt type 0, common flag 0x0, mbuf 0x7cdad800, rtbl_idx = 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182578:CID-0:RT:flow process pak, mbuf 0x7cdad800, ifl 0, ctxt_type 0 inq type 5
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182579:CID-0:RT: in_ifp <junos-host:.local..0>
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182579:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: setting rtt in lpak to 0x54f74e80
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182580:CID-0:RT:host inq check inq_type 0x5
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182581:CID-0:RT:Using out_ifp from pfe_tag with index 72
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182583:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182587:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182588:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182589:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182589:CID-0:RT: ipv4 from host, pfe tag vr id set 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182590:CID-0:RT:Using vr id from pfe_tag with value= 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182591:CID-0:RT:Changing lpak->in_ifp from:.local..0 -> to:.local..4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182592:CID-0:RT:Over-riding lpak->vsys with 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182595:CID-0:RT:  .local..4:>, icmp, (8/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182597:CID-0:RT: find flow: table 0x28fb7580, hash 151366(0x7ffff), sa, da, sp 15, dp 39466, proto 1, tok 16386, conn-tag 0x00000000
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182600:CID-0:RT:  no session found, start first path. in_tunnel - 0x0, from_cp_flag - 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182603:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_create_session
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182606:CID-0:RT:Save init hash spu id 0 to nsp and nsp2!
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182607:CID-0:RT:(flow_first_create_session) usp_tagged set session as mng session
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182608:CID-0:RT:Installing pending sess (39109) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182609:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a3fc0, id=39109
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182610:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a3fc0, id=39109
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182611:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_in_dst_nat: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/2.0> dst_adr, sp 15, dp 39466
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182612:CID-0:RT:  chose interface .local..4 as incoming nat if.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182615:CID-0:RT:flow_first_rule_dst_xlate: packet> nsp2>
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182617:CID-0:RT:[JSF] Do ingress interest check. regd ingress plugins(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182620:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-apbr-main(9), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182621:CID-0:RT:[JSF][0]plugins(0x0) enabled for session = 39109  implicit mask(0x0), service request(0x0)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182621:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin ingress interested for session 39109
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182622:CID-0:RT:flow_first_routing: vr_id 4, call flow_route_lookup(): src_ip, x_dst_ip, in ifp .local..4, out ifp ge-0/0/2.0 sp 15, dp 39466, ip_proto 1, tos 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182624:CID-0:RT:Doing DESTINATION addr route-lookup
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182625:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182626:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a434100,nh id 0x248, out if 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182628:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182628:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182631:CID-0:RT:Checking in-ifp from .local..4 to ge-0/0/2.0 for src: in vr_id:4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182633:CID-0:RT:  routed (x_dst_ip from junos-host (.local..4 in 0) to ge-0/0/1.0, Next-hop:
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182635:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: policy search from zone junos-host-> zone trust (0x0,0xf9a2a,0x9a2a)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182638:CID-0:RT:Policy lkup: vsys 0 zone(2:junos-host) -> zone(8:trust) scope:0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182639:CID-0:RT:    -> proto 1
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182643:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: dynapp_none_policy: TRUE, is_final: 0x0, is_explicit: 0x0, policy_meta_data: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182644:CID-0:RT:  app 0, timeout 60s, curr ageout 60s
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182645:CID-0:RT:  permitted by policy self-traffic-policy(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182646:CID-0:RT:  packet passed, Permitted by policy.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182647:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  nat_src_xlated: False, nat_src_xlate_failed: False
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182648:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  incoming src port is : 3840.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182652:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate: src nat returns status: 0, rule/pool id: 0/0, pst_nat: False, nat_eim: False.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182652:CID-0:RT:  dip id = 0/0,> protocol 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182655:CID-0:RT:  choose interface ge-0/0/1.0(P2P) as outgoing phy if
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182656:CID-0:RT:is_loop_pak: No loop: on ifp: ge-0/0/1.0, addr:, rtt_idx:4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182658:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Normal interest check. regd plugins 37, enabled impl mask 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182660:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-screen-adapter(2), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182661:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182663:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-adapter(3), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182664:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom(5), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182666:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182667:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-jdpi(6), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182669:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-pkt(7), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182671:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp(8), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182672:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw(10), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182673:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqos(11), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182675:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-secintel(12), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182677:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp(13), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182679:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw(14), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182680:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182681:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-userfw(15), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182683:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-ssl-proxy(17), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182684:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-stream-adapter(19), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182685:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp-stream(21), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182686:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw-stream(22), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182687:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp-stream(23), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182688:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw-stream(24), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182689:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182690:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182691:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-captive-portal(25), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182692:CID-0:RT:+++++++++++jsf_test_plugin_data_evh: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182693:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-test(26), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182695:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182695:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-alg(27), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182696:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-stream(28), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182697:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182699:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm(29), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182700:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182701:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-icap-redirect(30), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182702:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-log(31), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182703:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom-stream(32), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182704:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-remote-access-gw(33), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182705:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-gprs(36), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182706:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-uac(37), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 2
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182708:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqoe(45), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182708:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Plugins(0x0, count 0) enabled for session = 39109, impli mask(0x0), post_nat cnt 0 svc req(0x2c7a4080)
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182709:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin interested for session 39109, free sess plugin info
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182710:CID-0:RT:jsf pre int check result 0 0 0 0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182710:CID-0:RT:flow_first_service_lookup(): natp(0x2c7a3fc0): app_id, 0(0).
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182711:CID-0:RT:  service lookup identified service 0.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182711:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_final_check: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/1.0>
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182712:CID-0:RT:In flow_first_complete_session
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182713:CID-0:RT:flow_first_complete_session, pak_ptr: 0x7ffffeffd270, nsp: 0x2c7a3fc0, in_tunnel: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182714:CID-0:RT:before copy: nsp vec_list 0x0, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182715:CID-0:RT:after copy: nsp vec_list 0x200, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182715:CID-0:RT:construct v4 vector for nsp2 and nsp
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182716:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182716:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp2: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182716:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182717:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182717:CID-0:RT:  Session (id:39109) created for first pak 200
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182718:CID-0:RT:first pak processing successful
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182718:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_install_session======> 0x2c7a3fc0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182719:CID-0:RT: nsp 0x2c7a3fc0, nsp2 0x2c7a4080
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182719:CID-0:RT:  make_nsp_ready_no_resolve()
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182720:CID-0:RT:make_nsp_ready_no_resolve: Route Lookup for dest route.  Src_ip  Dst_ip  protocal 1  ifp .local..4, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182722:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182723:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182724:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182724:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182725:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182726:CID-0:RT:  route lookup: dest-ip orig ifp .local..4 output_ifp .local..4  orig-zone 2 out-zone 2 need_clear_fto 0 vsd 0, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182728:CID-0:RT:  route to
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182729:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182729:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182731:CID-0:RT:no need update ha
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182731:CID-0:RT:updating pending sess (39109) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182732:CID-0:RT:first path session installation succeeded
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182733:CID-0:RT:  flow got session.
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182733:CID-0:RT:  flow session id 39109
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182735:CID-0:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x8cfcfa90
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182737:CID-0:RT:mbuf 0x7cdad800, exit nh 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182738:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: Freeing lpak 0x7ffffeffd270 associated with mbuf 0x7cdad800
    Mar  1 22:19:06 22:19:06.182739:CID-0:RT: ----- flow_process_pkt rc 0x0 (fp rc 0)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183147:CID-0:RT:<>;1,0x0> matched filter packet-filter1:
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183154:CID-0:RT:packet [84] ipid = 939, @0x15f982fce
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183155:CID-0:RT:---- flow_process_pkt: (thd 1): flow_ctxt type 0, common flag 0x0, mbuf 0x7cdad600, rtbl_idx = 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183158:CID-0:RT:flow process pak, mbuf 0x7cdad600, ifl 0, ctxt_type 0 inq type 5
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183159:CID-0:RT: in_ifp <junos-host:.local..0>
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183160:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: setting rtt in lpak to 0x54f74e80
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183162:CID-0:RT:host inq check inq_type 0x5
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183163:CID-0:RT:Using out_ifp from pfe_tag with index 72
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183166:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183169:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183171:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183172:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183173:CID-0:RT: ipv4 from host, pfe tag vr id set 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183174:CID-0:RT:Using vr id from pfe_tag with value= 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183175:CID-0:RT:Changing lpak->in_ifp from:.local..0 -> to:.local..4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183176:CID-0:RT:Over-riding lpak->vsys with 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183179:CID-0:RT:  .local..4:>, icmp, (8/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183182:CID-0:RT: find flow: table 0x28fb7580, hash 168443(0x7ffff), sa, da, sp 16, dp 39466, proto 1, tok 16386, conn-tag 0x00000000
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183185:CID-0:RT:  no session found, start first path. in_tunnel - 0x0, from_cp_flag - 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183188:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_create_session
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183191:CID-0:RT:Save init hash spu id 0 to nsp and nsp2!
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183193:CID-0:RT:(flow_first_create_session) usp_tagged set session as mng session
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183193:CID-0:RT:Installing pending sess (39110) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183194:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a42c0, id=39110
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183195:CID-0:RT:First path alloc and instl pending session, natp=0x2c7a42c0, id=39110
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183196:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_in_dst_nat: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/2.0> dst_adr, sp 16, dp 39466
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183197:CID-0:RT:  chose interface .local..4 as incoming nat if.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183200:CID-0:RT:flow_first_rule_dst_xlate: packet> nsp2>
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183203:CID-0:RT:[JSF] Do ingress interest check. regd ingress plugins(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183206:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-apbr-main(9), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183207:CID-0:RT:[JSF][0]plugins(0x0) enabled for session = 39110  implicit mask(0x0), service request(0x0)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183208:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin ingress interested for session 39110
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183208:CID-0:RT:flow_first_routing: vr_id 4, call flow_route_lookup(): src_ip, x_dst_ip, in ifp .local..4, out ifp ge-0/0/2.0 sp 16, dp 39466, ip_proto 1, tos 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183211:CID-0:RT:Doing DESTINATION addr route-lookup
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183212:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183213:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a434100,nh id 0x248, out if 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183215:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183215:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x47
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183218:CID-0:RT:Checking in-ifp from .local..4 to ge-0/0/2.0 for src: in vr_id:4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183220:CID-0:RT:  routed (x_dst_ip from junos-host (.local..4 in 0) to ge-0/0/1.0, Next-hop:
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183222:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: policy search from zone junos-host-> zone trust (0x0,0x109a2a,0x9a2a)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183225:CID-0:RT:Policy lkup: vsys 0 zone(2:junos-host) -> zone(8:trust) scope:0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183226:CID-0:RT:    -> proto 1
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183230:CID-0:RT:flow_first_policy_search: dynapp_none_policy: TRUE, is_final: 0x0, is_explicit: 0x0, policy_meta_data: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183231:CID-0:RT:  app 0, timeout 60s, curr ageout 60s
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183232:CID-0:RT:  permitted by policy self-traffic-policy(1)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183232:CID-0:RT:  packet passed, Permitted by policy.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183234:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  nat_src_xlated: False, nat_src_xlate_failed: False
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183235:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate:  incoming src port is : 4096.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183239:CID-0:RT:flow_first_src_xlate: src nat returns status: 0, rule/pool id: 0/0, pst_nat: False, nat_eim: False.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183239:CID-0:RT:  dip id = 0/0,> protocol 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183242:CID-0:RT:  choose interface ge-0/0/1.0(P2P) as outgoing phy if
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183244:CID-0:RT:is_loop_pak: No loop: on ifp: ge-0/0/1.0, addr:, rtt_idx:4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183245:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Normal interest check. regd plugins 37, enabled impl mask 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183247:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-screen-adapter(2), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183249:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183250:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-adapter(3), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183251:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom(5), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183254:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183255:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-jdpi(6), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183256:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-pkt(7), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183258:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp(8), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183259:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw(10), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183261:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqos(11), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183262:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-secintel(12), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183265:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp(13), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183266:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw(14), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183267:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183268:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-userfw(15), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183270:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-ssl-proxy(17), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183271:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-fwauth-stream-adapter(19), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183272:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-dynapp-stream(21), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183273:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appfw-stream(22), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183274:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-idp-stream(23), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183276:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-aamw-stream(24), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183276:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183278:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183278:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-captive-portal(25), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183279:CID-0:RT:+++++++++++jsf_test_plugin_data_evh: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183280:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-test(26), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183282:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183283:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-alg(27), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183284:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm-uf-stream(28), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183285:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183287:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-utm(29), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183288:CID-0:RT:get NULL sess plugin info 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183289:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-icap-redirect(30), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183289:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-log(31), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183291:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-rtcom-stream(32), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183292:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-remote-access-gw(33), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183293:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-gprs(36), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183293:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-uac(37), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 2
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183296:CID-0:RT:-jsf int check: plugin junos-appqoe(45), svc_req 0x0, impl mask 0x0. rc 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183296:CID-0:RT:[JSF]Plugins(0x0, count 0) enabled for session = 39110, impli mask(0x0), post_nat cnt 0 svc req(0x2c7a4380)
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183297:CID-0:RT:-jsf : no plugin interested for session 39110, free sess plugin info
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183298:CID-0:RT:jsf pre int check result 0 0 0 0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183298:CID-0:RT:flow_first_service_lookup(): natp(0x2c7a42c0): app_id, 0(0).
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183299:CID-0:RT:  service lookup identified service 0.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183300:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_final_check: in <.local..4>, out <ge-0/0/1.0>
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183300:CID-0:RT:In flow_first_complete_session
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183301:CID-0:RT:flow_first_complete_session, pak_ptr: 0x7ffffeffd270, nsp: 0x2c7a42c0, in_tunnel: 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183302:CID-0:RT:before copy: nsp vec_list 0x0, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183303:CID-0:RT:after copy: nsp vec_list 0x200, nsp2 vec_list 0x200
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183303:CID-0:RT:construct v4 vector for nsp2 and nsp
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183304:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183304:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp2: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183305:CID-0:RT:  existing vector list 0x200-0x8cfcfa90.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183305:CID-0:RT:vector index for nsp: 200
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183305:CID-0:RT:  Session (id:39110) created for first pak 200
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183306:CID-0:RT:first pak processing successful
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183307:CID-0:RT:  flow_first_install_session======> 0x2c7a42c0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183307:CID-0:RT: nsp 0x2c7a42c0, nsp2 0x2c7a4380
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183308:CID-0:RT:  make_nsp_ready_no_resolve()
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183308:CID-0:RT:make_nsp_ready_no_resolve: Route Lookup for dest route.  Src_ip  Dst_ip  protocal 1  ifp .local..4, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183311:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup in VR-id: 4
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183311:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: Found route entry 0x5a3e05c0,nh id 0x23d, out if 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183312:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: get NH in local route
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183312:CID-0:RT:flow_rt_lkup: nh word 0xfffb0006
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183313:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_rt_lkup success, iifl 0x44, oifl 0x0
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183315:CID-0:RT:  route lookup: dest-ip orig ifp .local..4 output_ifp .local..4  orig-zone 2 out-zone 2 need_clear_fto 0 vsd 0, route_flag: 0x8
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183316:CID-0:RT:  route to
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183317:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183318:CID-0:RT:nsp_set_pmtu
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183319:CID-0:RT:no need update ha
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183320:CID-0:RT:updating pending sess (39110) in ager
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183321:CID-0:RT:first path session installation succeeded
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183321:CID-0:RT:  flow got session.
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183322:CID-0:RT:  flow session id 39110
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183323:CID-0:RT: vector bits 0x200 vector 0x8cfcfa90
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183325:CID-0:RT:mbuf 0x7cdad600, exit nh 0x100010
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183326:CID-0:RT:flow_process_pkt_exception: Freeing lpak 0x7ffffeffd270 associated with mbuf 0x7cdad600
    Mar  1 22:19:07 22:19:07.183327:CID-0:RT: ----- flow_process_pkt rc 0x0 (fp rc 0)
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622068:CID-0:RT:CLI flow status command recvd, subtype =1
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.622141:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.722153:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.822592:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.822606:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.822612:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.822705:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent reply message count: 1, size: 2776
    Mar  1 22:19:13 22:19:13.822708:CID-0:RT:flow_send_session_info_reply_common: sent end of reply message size: 192
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734696:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39084, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734701:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734702:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734703:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734704:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39084, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734706:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39084, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734708:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39086, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734709:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734709:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734710:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734710:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39086, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:50 22:19:50.734711:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39086, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736172:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39088, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736177:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736178:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736178:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736179:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39088, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736180:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39088, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736181:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39093, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736182:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736182:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736183:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736183:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39093, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736183:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39093, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736184:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39084
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736185:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736187:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736192:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736195:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39084
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736196:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39086
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736196:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736197:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736198:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:52 22:19:52.736199:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39086
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739266:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39094, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739272:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739273:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739273:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739274:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39094, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739276:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39094, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739278:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39095, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739279:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739279:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739280:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739280:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39095, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739281:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39095, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739282:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39088
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739282:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739286:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739291:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739295:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39088
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739295:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39093
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739296:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739296:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739298:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:54 22:19:54.739298:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39093
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738491:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39096, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738496:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738497:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738498:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738498:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39096, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738500:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39096, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738502:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39101, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738503:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738503:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738504:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738504:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39101, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738505:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39101, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738506:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39094
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738507:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738510:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738516:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738520:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39094
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738520:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39095
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738521:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738521:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738523:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:56 22:19:56.738524:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39095
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737351:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39102, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737356:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737357:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737358:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737359:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39102, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737360:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39102, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737362:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39103, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737364:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737364:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737364:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737365:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39103, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737366:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39103, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737367:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39096
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737367:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737371:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737377:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:58 22:19:58.737381:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39096
    Mar  1 22:19:59 22:19:58.737382:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39101
    Mar  1 22:19:59 22:19:58.737383:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:19:59 22:19:58.737384:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:19:59 22:19:58.737386:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:19:59 22:19:58.737387:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39101
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736952:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39104, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736957:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736958:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736959:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736960:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39104, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736961:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39104, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736963:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39105, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736964:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736965:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736965:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736966:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39105, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736967:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39105, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736968:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39102
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736968:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736972:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736976:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736980:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39102
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736981:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39103
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736981:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736982:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736983:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:00 22:20:00.736984:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39103
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738703:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39106, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738707:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738708:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738708:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738709:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39106, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738710:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39106, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738712:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39107, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738712:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738713:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738713:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738713:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39107, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738714:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39107, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738715:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39104
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738715:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738718:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738723:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738726:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39104
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738727:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39105
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738727:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738728:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738729:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:02 22:20:02.738730:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39105
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738815:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39108, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738821:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738822:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738823:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738824:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39108, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738825:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39108, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738828:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39109, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738829:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738829:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738830:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738830:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39109, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738831:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39109, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738832:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39106
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738832:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738836:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738841:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738844:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39106
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738845:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39107
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738845:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738846:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738847:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:04 22:20:04.738848:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39107
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736877:CID-0:RT:phase1 ageout called for session id 39110, state: 3
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736886:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736888:CID-0:RT:  flow_spu_update_np_session: FLOW STUB
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736890:CID-0:RT:jsf sess close notify
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736892:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39110, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736894:CID-0:RT:flow_ipv4_del_flow: sess 39110, in hash 32
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736898:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39108
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736900:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736908:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736930:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736934:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39108
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736935:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39109
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736936:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736937:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736940:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:06 22:20:06.736941:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39109
    Mar  1 22:20:08 22:20:08.736431:CID-0:RT:phase2 ageout called for session id 39110
    Mar  1 22:20:08 22:20:08.736433:CID-0:RT:cp_present 0, state 4, marked_ageout 0
    Mar  1 22:20:08 22:20:08.736436:CID-0:RT:ageout 68,>,1, (0/0)
    Mar  1 22:20:08 22:20:08.736440:CID-0:RT:free sess dip id :0/0
    Mar  1 22:20:08 22:20:08.736445:CID-0:RT:ageout done for session id 39110


    Here is my show security flow session


    Session ID: 39084, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 38, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39086, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 38, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39088, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 40, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39093, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 40, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39094, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 42, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39095, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 42, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39096, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 44, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39101, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 44, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39102, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 46, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39103, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 46, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39104, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 48, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39105, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 48, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39106, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 50, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39107, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 50, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39108, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 52, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39109, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 52, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Session ID: 39110, Policy name: self-traffic-policy/1, Timeout: 54, Valid
      In: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: .local..4, Pkts: 1, Bytes: 84,
      Out: -->;icmp, Conn Tag: 0x0, If: ge-0/0/1.0, Pkts: 0, Bytes: 0,
    Total sessions: 17

  • 10.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-02-2019 14:57

    I think you have a routing issue. I don't know who is and where it is,  but this is what I am seeing with your configuration and from the packet trace and show security flow session. The route lookup is telling your srx to go out of ge-0/0/1 (zone trust) when you ping 
    The srx decides what policy to use, and how to do source nat, AFTER the route lookup, which determines what is the outbound interface and zone. 


  • 11.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-02-2019 14:58

    ZONE and ROUTES.png

  • 12.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-04-2019 09:45

    Your post gave me the inspiration I needed. I setup a 1:1 NAT from DMZ to Trust and traffic started flowing as expected. Appreciate the help. 

  • 13.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-10-2019 18:05

    Glad to hear ! 🙂 

  • 14.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-03-2019 04:50

    Also not that when the source or destination of traffic is the SRX itself the zone is junos-host and it does not appear as transit traffic processing.


  • 15.  RE: Source based routing on vSRX

    Posted 03-04-2019 08:25

    @ylara wrote:

    I think you have a routing issue. I don't know who is and where it is,  but this is what I am seeing with your configuration and from the packet trace and show security flow session.

  should be located off the trust interface/zone. That is my corporate on-prem that is connected via AWS VPN. That is the correct routing and where the packets should be going.