I am not too familiar with Junos and Openstack, but I want to install vSRX in Openstack in an automated way (with the help of heat) (for testing (CI) purposes).
I found https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/vsrx/topics/task/configuration/security-vsrx-cloud-init-support.html and at step 13 it says "If the configuration is not supported or cannot be applied to the vSRX instance, the vSRX will boot using the default Junos OS configuration.", which happens in my case (I can go to Instance's console in Openstack dashboard and in the cli "show configuration" seems to show the default configuration). However, unfortunately it does not mention how to debug the situation in such a case.
See my HOT template attached. In the same direcrtory I have vsrx-config.txt (Very similar to the default config. I have replaced even the encrypted password in it.).
heat can find the vsrx-config.txt from this relative path.
Also, the expression '{get_attr: [node_server_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}' works, I verified the name in the instance details.
I use the HOT template from my Linux laptop as (executed in its directory):
heat stack-create vsrx_stack --template-file vsrx-hot-template.yaml
(I installed heat client by 'sudo pip2 install --upgrade python-heatclient')
So how to debug this?
Is there some log I can check in the vSRX, e.g. 'show log some_log_file'?
Which is the appropriate log file?
Update I had trouble attaching files here so the pastebin links are: