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This is a legacy community with limited Juniper monitoring.
  • 1.  Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-13-2008 03:03



    Does anybode know how to (if possible) snmp poll an ISG2000 with the chassis mib?




  • 2.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-13-2008 10:30

    Are you trying to do a snmpwalk against it?
    From a *nix machine with snmp installed, you can do:
    snmpwalk -v 2c -c community
    where is your OID 
    There are windows utilities avaialble for snmpwalk also. 



    You can download the MIB files from Juniper's site. 

  • 3.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-17-2008 03:56

    Yes, I have tried "walking" it. Stating the OID for the Chassis mib ( returns no results while the other OID's work, e.g. for Resources.



  • 4.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-17-2008 09:24

    I downloaded all of the MIB's from 5.4 to 6.2 and did a search for "" and this is not located in any MIB's I downloaded.  The closest thing I found was the following:


    Search for "" resulted in:


    standards\mib-rfc1213.txt:                      (




    Message Edited by Munpe_Q on 11-17-2008 10:24 AM

  • 5.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-17-2008 23:51



    I downloaded the mibs for 6.0.0 again today and ran snmpwalk with and without numerical OID output. These examples only show the NS-SET-GEN.mib (.7.1)


    unix-host{user}: snmpwalk -v1 -c public -O n -m all -M /opt/mibs/6.0/5.0/:/etc/sma/snmp/mibs/    
    . = IpAddress:
    . = STRING: "hostname"
    . = STRING: "domain"
    . = STRING: "NAT/Route mode"
    . = STRING: "6.0.0r4.0 (SN: 0123456789012345, Firewall+VPN)"
    . = STRING: "#Model: Advanced.#Sessions: 1048576 sessions.#Capacity: unlimited number of users.#NSRP: ActiveActive.#VPN tunnels: 10000 tunnels.#Vsys: None.#Vrouters: 3 virtual routers.#Zones: 34 zones.#VLANs: 2000 vlans.#Drp: Enable.#Deep Inspection: Disable.Deep Insp"
    . = INTEGER: enabled(1)
    . = INTEGER: enabled(1)

    unix-host{user}: snmpwalk -v1 -c public -m all -M /opt/mibs/6.0/5.0/:/etc/sma/snmp/mibs/
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenSysIp.0 = IpAddress:
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenHostName.0 = STRING: "hostname"
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenDomain.0 = STRING: "domain"
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenOpMode.0 = STRING: "NAT/Route mode"
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenSwVer.0 = STRING: "6.0.0r4.0 (SN: 0213456789012345, Firewall+VPN)"
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenLicInfo.0 = STRING: "#Model: Advanced.#Sessions: 1048576 sessions.#Capacity: unlimited number of users.#NSRP: ActiveActive.#VPN tunnels: 10000 tunnels.#Vsys: None.#Vrouters: 3 virtual routers.#Zones: 34 zones.#VLANs: 2000 vlans.#Drp: Enable.#Deep Inspection: Disable.Deep Insp"
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenSCSAdminEnable.0 = INTEGER: enabled(1)
    NETSCREEN-SET-GEN-MIB::nsSetGenDropSelfLogPac.0 = INTEGER: enabled(1)



  • 6.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-18-2008 07:51

    Interesting.  Forgive me, but I don't know what you want the next step to be in this thread.



  • 7.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 11-18-2008 10:04

    As you can see from my previous post I was querying the SET-GEN mib. In the NS-SMI.mib the SET-GEN corresponds to OID .7 after the Netscreen enterprise number which is 3224. Querying OID .16 e.g. gives information about Resources (NS-RES.mib) such as CPU usage, MEM usage etc.


    What I want to do is query the Chassis mib which, according to NS-SMI.mib, has an OID of .21 after 3224. This gives me no result. If I understand the Chassis mib correct this would result in Fan status, Power status, Temperature etc.


    Next step of this thread would be if someone out there had any clue of how to accomplish this. Maybe it is not possible to poll the ISG2000 for this.



  • 8.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000

    Posted 03-24-2009 10:35

    I had the same problem initially, but I think it was a syntax issue:


    snmpbulkwalk -v2c -Of -Cr100 -Cn100 -Cp -m +/usr/share/snmp/mibs/NS-CHASSIS.mib -c MyCommunityString .

  = INTEGER: 1 = INTEGER: 2 = INTEGER: 1 = INTEGER: 1 = STRING: Primary Power = STRING: Secondary Power = INTEGER: 1 = INTEGER: 1 = STRING: Fan 1 = INTEGER: 1 = INTEGER: 2 = INTEGER: 3 = INTEGER: 4


    Hopefully this helps someone else avoid the same problems.


  • 9.  RE: Polling the Chassis MIB on an ISG2000
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-25-2009 00:36



    I upgraded from ScreenOS 6.0 to 6.1 and then it works for me too.

