Screen OS

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This is a legacy community with limited Juniper monitoring.
  • 1.  Netscreen web interface no response

    Posted 11-04-2014 23:12

    Firewall model: Juniper Netscreen-25 (NS-025B-003)


    The firewall has already worked for serveral years. Recently, I can't access the web interface and telnet.


    Thank you


  • 2.  RE: Netscreen web interface no response
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-06-2014 07:04



    If the issue resolves after a reboot, I would venture to guess that the firewall is running out of sockets...


    There were issues in earlier versions of ScreenOS...


    sometimes manually clearing the sockets worked, sometimes it didn't.

   might be of help.






  • 3.  RE: Netscreen web interface no response

    Posted 11-06-2014 18:53

    Many thanks samc and rcojunos. I reboot the system can solve the problem.


    First i connect with rj-45 serial port login the system.

    Next backup the configuration and software image with following command:

         save config from flash to [tftp <address> | pcmcia | slot1} <filename>
         save software from flash to [tftp <address> | pcmcia | slot1] <filename>
    Than, type 'reset' and 'y' to reboot the system.
    Final, I can access the webUI.

  • 4.  RE: Netscreen web interface no response

    Posted 11-06-2014 12:50

    Have you tried reconfigure the services (telnet+web)? A reboot should be enough unless something on the config is blocking the access.