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This is a legacy community with limited Juniper monitoring.
  • 1.  Limit number of client vpn connection in policy base vpn?

    Posted 03-22-2017 18:24

    I am using two Juniper FW model using SSG 140 and SSG5 set up as a site to site firewall connection. The VPN connection is a policy base. I want to limit the client connection to 1 client only to use the VPN tunnel? Is ther any way to set a limit beside limiting at the IP address in the policy settings. 


  • 2.  RE: Limit number of client vpn connection in policy base vpn?
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-22-2017 20:21



    With current setup, the best option is to change the policy settings. There is no option like VPN filter present on other vendor boxes.

    Alternatively you can configure a route based VPN instead and either set proxy-id with single IP behind client to resources behind HQ site. 



