Smiker..... one last question if I may. i just made the mods on one site tonight on my prod juniper network.
As fate would have it ..... I lose my rip neighborships when I config the uplinks in that way. Making them L2 trunks as opposed to routed interfaces -create a vlan for the uplink network - in this case - and attempt to route via the irbs\vlan interfaces (ex3300). Is there a limitation using rip in this way?
I can ping between the 2 IRBs though ,,,so there is connectivity
When I go to config my rip neighbors, I'm presented with my ae links as such:
Below that is my rip config on the 4600 -the other side - 3300 is simlilar.
I know fundementally this will work -- it does w Cisco .. I'm sure there's something "Junos" I'm missing !
oot@Campus_Core# set protocols rip group ths neighbor ?
Possible completions:
<neighbor_name> Interface name
ae0.0 Interface name
ae1.0 Interface name
ae2.0 Interface name
ae3.0 Interface name
ae4.0 Interface name
ae5.0 Interface name
ae6.0 Interface name
ae8.0 Interface name
rip {
group ths {
export rip_export;
neighbor ae0.0;
neighbor ae1.0;
neighbor ae2.0;
neighbor ae3.0;
neighbor ae5.0;
neighbor ae6.0;
neighbor ae8.0;
neighbor ae4.0;
policy-statement rip_export {
term connected {
from protocol direct;
then accept;
term static {
from protocol static;
then accept;
term rip {
from protocol rip;
then accept;
term default {
then reject;