You can pull the logs on the SRX right after the event to check for what is being recorded.
show log messages | last 50
Or until the logs roll over you can determine which saved log covers the time period of the last failed attempt looking at the dates on the log files.
This will display the still present files with the creation date.
show log messages.?
Show the content then of the numbered file in your time window and watch the log time for when your failed login occurred.
Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP)
Original Message:
Sent: 07-08-2021 06:59
From: Unknown User
Subject: Juniper Secure Connect - Disconnecting Immediately - 1sec
Hi There,
After a little guidance and assistance if possible.
I have been trying to test the Juniper Secure Connect and i seem to be getting an odd issue.
I have followed the guides, etc to configuring the SRX, creating the locally signed certificate, etc but it appears that when i connect, the session sets up, green on the VPN client on my Mac and then immediately disconnects.
As it stands there is no clear reason why.
Its sets up ok then immediately tears down.
Any ideas?