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  • 1.  J-WEB doesn't work at SRX 300

    Posted 05-11-2022 11:44
    Hello community,

    Please I need help to find the problem for this problem.
    I have 2 firewalls and I'll try apply the J-WEB service.
    From de server I can ping the management IP, but telnet at 443 port isn't works.
    Is impossible to open the J-WEB in a browser. (I've attachment a simple topology about the connections and a error in a browser)

    I've read some documents and did some tests, but nothing works well =(
    Please if you had a same problem or Know some adjusts to correct this problems, share with me.
    I appreciate the help from you!!!

    interfaces {
    fxp0 {
    unit 0 {
    family inet {
    routing-instances {
    mgmt_junos {
    description mgmt_instances;
    routing-options {
    static {
    route next-hop;  ==> route to server 

    services {
    ssh {
    root-login allow;
    netconf {
    web-management {
    management-url root;
    http {
    interface fxp0.0;
    https {

    Jocileia Dionizio

  • 2.  RE: J-WEB doesn't work at SRX 300

    Posted 05-11-2022 19:51
    Looks like the interface specification is missing from the https protocol under web management.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP)

  • 3.  RE: J-WEB doesn't work at SRX 300

    Posted 05-12-2022 09:42
    Hello spuluka.

    Thank you for your attention.

    I apply this configuration, but the problem persist. =(

    Now the configuration is it:

    root@f-br-saosp00-int-fw-rzdc-1# show system services
    ssh {
    root-login allow;
    netconf {
    web-management {
    management-url root;
    http {
    interface fxp0.0;
    https {
    interface fxp0.0;


    Do you have more tests? 
    Thank you

    Jocileia Dionizio

  • 4.  RE: J-WEB doesn't work at SRX 300

    Posted 05-12-2022 14:26
    Hello guys.

    Now the service is works.
    The problem is explanation in this topic below:

    [SRX/J] Can the secondary node of a chassis cluster be managed via J-Web? (

    Diferent the others fabrics in Juniper isn't possible to access the web service at secondary firewall, in my case the test was in secondary.
    In the primary J-Web works very well = ) 

    Thank you community for your attention in this case = )

    Jocileia Dionizio