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  • 1.  Is there a site-to-site policy based VPN impact or side effect?

    Posted 02-18-2014 10:26

    Hi Guys,


    We are planning to setup a site-to-site policy based VPN between SSG5 and SSG140 firewalls following these articles since they don’t have the same firmware.



    Anyway, my question is, will there be an impact right after the VPN connection has been established? Are we going to lose connection or something? I just wanted to verify guys since both are production firewalls. Please advise.


    Thank you very much!




  • 2.  RE: Is there a site-to-site policy based VPN impact or side effect?
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-18-2014 14:40

    Bringing up new vpn tunnels or removing them will only impact traffic that would transit on the tunnel itself.  There is no impact to the other firewall traffic for this activity.

  • 3.  RE: Is there a site-to-site policy based VPN impact or side effect?

    Posted 02-20-2014 06:17

    Okay Steve, got it. 🙂


    Thank You!

