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This is a legacy community with limited Juniper monitoring.
  • 1.  IPv6 Subinterface

    Posted 08-29-2011 00:46

    Hi All,

    Not sure if it is an issue, unsupported or i am missing something, but IPv6 is not working on subinterfaces.

    On physical interfaces everything works like it should (IPv4 and IPv6), but not for Sub-IF, IPv4 works perfect but IPv6 fails, no ping to other hosts, only to itself.


    This happens on:

    - SSG 5 (6.2.0r9.0)

    - SSG 140 (6.2.0r8.0)


    It sounds weird that IPv4 works but IPv6 on the same interface isn't.

    If I ping it's own IPv6 address, it works, if i ping another IPv6 host in the same subnet it isn't. This only occurs on subinterfaces.

    The other way around doesn't seem to work also, all hosts can ping each other on IPv4, but on IPv6 they don't.

    - For example a Windows host can ping another IPv6 Windows machine. But the SSG can't ping both Windows IPv6 addresses, also the Windows machine's can't ping the IPv6 address on the SSG subinterface. IPv4 works perfect on the same subinterface.


    Can anyone sched light on this?


    Thanks in advance.


  • 2.  RE: IPv6 Subinterface

    Posted 09-05-2011 03:13

    I never tried this config;


    Can you try to capture flow with "debug flow basic" command and see how the device handles the ipv6 on subinterfaces ?


    next step if nothing shows up in the debug would be to ask JTAC;

  • 3.  RE: IPv6 Subinterface

    Posted 02-28-2013 05:15

    Did you ever figure this out?

  • 4.  RE: IPv6 Subinterface
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-13-2013 23:20

    In case someone else is wondering this I can confirm there is no problem with such setup. I am running latest ScreenOS though so cant be sure if there's limitation in older versions.

  • 5.  RE: IPv6 Subinterface

    Posted 03-13-2013 23:59

    Hi Tero,


    This was still an unresolved issue.

    Will upgrade to the latest version so we can use IPv6 on subinterfaces.

    Thanks for sharing!


