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Import unused address book objects from SRX to Junos Space Security Director

  • 1.  Import unused address book objects from SRX to Junos Space Security Director

    Posted 02-05-2024 13:24

    Hi all. 

    My scenario is this:

    I have an SRX cluster with a large number of address-book objects. These are a mix of addresses (dns-name, ranges, network or hosts) and address-sets. The majority of these objects are not used in security policies. 

    So... I wanted to register this SRX in Security Director. That all works out well and security policies on the SRX are imported as expected. But the unused address objects are not imported as "shared objects" in Security Director. 

    I know that unused address objects in SD will not get exported to the SRX. But I did not know that unused objects don't get imported to SD from the SRX. This is kind of a "pain in the a...". 

    Anyone know if there is some kind of setting i SD or Junos Space to get these unused objects imported to SD?

    Best regards
    Vidar Stokke