Hi, we are currently using Juniper SSG 140 and i would like to seek help if port aggregation is possible here. i have 2 Gigabit ports that i will be using for my server and CS vlan. i need to combine these ports (eth0/8 & eth0/9) to make 2GB of bandwidth because this is be used for inter VLAN routing between CS (50 users) and Server VLAN. I dont know if SSG 140 can handle inter-VLAN routing for 50 users but i was hoping that its possible without bottlenecks. I dont know if BGgroup is Redundant IF suitable for my setup:
My proposed setup:
Currently our setup is GW-EX42100 switch running OSPF and broadcast all VLANs. thats not good because all vlan doamins can access each other and since it is going to Juniper SSg140 on a single interface inter-vlan pollicy is not applicable on the FW. My plan is to make the EX4200 a core switch (layer 2) and create sub-interfaces on SSG140.
There are 2 Gigabit ports on SSG and others are 100Mb.
eth0/0 & eth 0/1 : ITVLAN, HR VLAN, ADMINVLAN & ExecutiveVLAN
eth0/2 & ethe0/3: DMZVLAN, WifiVLAN and GUESTVLAN
eth0/4 & eth0/5: ISP01 and ISP02
eth0/8 & eth0/9 (Gb): SERVERVLAN & CSVLAN
I would like to aggregate those ports especially on the server & CS VLANs. i only have max 60 users and i think this setup can handly it. I need your support and suggestions on this. Please help me. THanks!