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  • 1.  How to use 1 public IP for 2 servers in different ports?

    Posted 03-20-2014 14:23

    Hi Guys,


    We currently have MIP setup (123.456.789.1 to Now, we would like to use the same public IP (123.456.789.1) to access another server on a different port. So in short we would like to have this below setup.


    123.456.789.1:80 should go to

    123.456.789.1:443 should go to


    Do we need to break the MIP and use VIP instead? Please advise.






  • 2.  RE: How to use 1 public IP for 2 servers in different ports?
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-21-2014 14:32

    A MIP can only map ip addresses one-to-one.  So you will need to remove the MIP.


    You can use VIP or policy destination NAT to split the address between multiple internal servers.


    You might find KB 11910 helpful.  This runs through a series of questions about your situation and then ends with recommendations on specific configuration KB articles based on your answers.


  • 3.  RE: How to use 1 public IP for 2 servers in different ports?

    Posted 03-25-2014 06:10

    Yes, Ive been to this article as well. Its very helpful. 🙂 Thanks Steve!

