I tried this http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB28161&smlogin=true&actp=search
but I can't because the interfaces ge-0/0/7 is family ethernet-swithing port-mode trunk
routing-options {
static {
route next-hop X.X.X.209;
unit 696 {
family inet {
address X.X.X.212/29;
address X.X.X/214/29;
proxy-arp {
interface vlan.696 {
address {
the SRX240 IP is X.X.X.212 works!
1 ext IP -> proxy-ap IP X.X.X.213 works!
2 ext IP -> static IP X.X.X.214 work only on vlan.696.
Is it possible to set limit bandwidth on a mac address where interfecase is family ethernet-switching ?
Any suggestion or any alternative solution?