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  • 1.  Fight with ASA - Alternative to 5505 and 5506 - Different between suggested alternative srx2xx or srx3xx

    Posted 02-01-2018 01:14


    I re-searched and understand some different features matrix between these "fights" for cisco and juniper.

    I like more Juniper in this moment and I'd like to suggest a specific closer alternative to Cisco.

    The main question is that I found SRX2xx as good alternative to ASA-5505, but I don't know why, from the configuration tools the price is realy different and unexpected, I mean:

    - SRX-320: less than 2.000$

    - SRX-220: more than 2.000$


    Why this different, if the model 3xx should be better?!


    I checked also features, throuputs and so on... but everythings seems to be better on 320... and the price is cheaper?! 😕


    - Maybe some licenses needed more on srx-320 not included?

    - Maybe.... boh.. 🙂


    What would be the suggested model for firewall against 5505 asa with Poe, VPN and gigabit ports?


    Anyone can help me?




  • 2.  RE: Fight with ASA - Alternative to 5505 and 5506 - Different between suggested alternative srx2xx or srx3xx
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-01-2018 01:31

    SRX EOL Information


    the srx220is EOL ( as is nearly the complete 100 and 200 series due to ROHS compliance)

    unfortunately it can be still found in the srx comparison matrix  SRX Compare Products

    So IMHO you should not consider the srx220 anymore

    it is replaced by newer SRX typically the 300 series




  • 3.  RE: Fight with ASA - Alternative to 5505 and 5506 - Different between suggested alternative srx2xx or srx3xx

    Posted 02-01-2018 01:35

    Thanks for fast reply.

    Ah! ok... Finding not updates tables I found some mistake about all of these information. thanks once again! 


    Then... I'm looking for srx-3xx with 8 gigabit port and poe for match my requirement.

    Not easy BTW... cause srx-2xx all have integrated rj-45.... srx-3xx only 6...


    let's see.

