Hi , raparthi i would disagree with you, when firewall start evaluation it will first check match condition in from clause if all conditions are met then it will perform action defined under then clause , if no then clause is defined and all conditions in from clause are met then default action i.e.... Accept will be applicable .
Reference links
Now coming to original question
(question part 2 "And since the both filter does not specify a "family type" does this filter default to "family inet" answer comes first)
The family family-name statement is required only to specify a protocol family other than IPv4. To configure an IPv4 firewall filter, you can configure the filter at the [edit firewall] hierarchy level without including the family inet statement, Because the [edit firewall] and [edit firewall family inet] hierarchy levels are equivalent
(Now question part1 answer "is there a difference between two firewall filters") The answer is no , there is no difference in two filters you created. When family is not defined it is always family inet , in first filter you did not specify then clause it does not matter , if all condition in from clause are met then default action "permit" is applied .
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Kashif Nawaz