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Ask questions and share experiences with Juniper’s Cloud-Native Contrail Networking (CN2).
  • 1.  CN2 22.4 Available!

    Posted 01-24-2023 10:31

    At the tail end of last year, the team released CN2 R22.4! This release rounded out a fantastic year of cloud-native networking software and set the stage for 2023, where we will introduce new partners, integrations, and functionality. 

    In CN2 R22.4 the team added the following functionality, in addition to bug fixes and updated platform support

    - Support for Amazon EKS!

    - Custom Default Pod Network

    - SRIOV Pod Network Automation with Apstra

    - EVPN L2 Networking Support

    - Updated k8s support (1.25)

    - Improved conformance testing with OpenShift

    - UI improvements including…

      • Updated Routing Topology view!
      • Improved cluster monitoring for routes, vRouters, and other key health indicators
      • Improved cluster logging and debugging

    The CN2 documentation describes how to deploy a single cluster or multicluster setup, with additional guides covering key features and functionality!

    Manifests for the installation of standalone or HA clusters can be found here…

    This release can be downloaded from the new Juniper Enterprise Container Hub.

    Existing customers should contact Juniper Customer Care to obtain download credentials if they do not have an access token. 

    The container registry information is as follows… 

    Release Tag: 

    If you would like to explore CN2 check out our 'Try CN2 for Free' trial license, where you can get a first-hand look at how CN2 can solve your most challenging cloud-native challenges.


    The Cloud Native Team

    Nick Davey