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  • 1.  Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 11-29-2023 15:40

    Tring to use network conntect (web ui) to a new ex3400 but failed.

    first using a pc connect to ex3400 console port, after using EZsetup or configure mode command, none can connect to ex3400 web ui


    johnny hsieh

  • 2.  RE: Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 11-30-2023 01:43

    Hi Johnny,

    The Graphic you shared shows that nothing is connected to the switch. 

    Typically the default configuration will allow the switch to obtain an IP address via DHCP on the default vlan. This is applied to irb.0.

    You would use this IP address to access the J-Web portal via the local network. 

    You can also connect to the MGMT port (vme.0) and follow the above/same procedure.

    NOTE: EX3400s don't typically come installed with J-Web by default and you will be asked to download and install this on the first connection to the J-Web portal.


    Gavin White


  • 3.  RE: Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 11-30-2023 02:39

    Hi Gavin,

        Thanks for reply. ex3400 rear con port connect to pc, rear MGMT port and front ge-0/0/0 port and pc port all connect to another switch which has a DHCP Server connected, the ex3400 seems didn't get an IP, so I tried to configure management IP for network connecting but without success, don't know why it didn't work. I search Google and even ask ChatGPT but still failed......

    johnny hsieh

  • 4.  RE: Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 12-02-2023 03:54

    Hi Johnny,

    Sorry you are having trouble with this initial setup. If the device is in factory default this should be as straightforward as you expected.

    I see your interface irb.0 has an interface, is this the IP you configured manually? are you able to ping this IP? Are you able to ping other IPs from the switch?

    For further troubleshooting we will need to look at some configuration and basic switching status to check everything is in order....

    `show ethernet-switching table`

    `show arp`

    `show configuration services`

    `show configuration interfaces irb`

    `show configuration interfaces vme`

    `show version | match web`



  • 5.  RE: Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 12-02-2023 09:37
      |   view attached

    Hi Gavin,

    The IP was configured manually, I can not ping this IP, can not ping other IP's from ex3400.
    Attachment is the output file from the console commands.
    Thanks for your kindly help. it took me a week to configure and test this device but still not figure out what's wrong?!

    johnny hsieh


    ex3400.txt   44 KB 1 version

  • 6.  RE: Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 12-02-2023 19:43

    Dear Gavin,

    The IP was configured manually, I can not ping this IP, can not ping other IP from switch.

    Attachment is the output of the console commands.

    Thanks for your kindly help.  ^_^

    johnny hsieh

  • 7.  RE: Can't network conntect to ex3400?!

    Posted 12-06-2023 00:40

    finally I configure ex3400 with cli commands successfully ...

    % cli 
    root> configure
    root# delete chassis auto-image-upgrade
    root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password 
    root# set system host-name 
    root# delete interfaces irb
    root# set interfaces irb unit 0 family inet address 
    root# edit routing-options
    root# set static route next-hop
    root# exit
    root# commit
    root# delete system phone-home
    root# set system services web-management https system-generate-certificate
    root# set system services web-management https interface irb.0
    root# commit
    root# edit system ntp
    root# set server time.google.com
    root# set server time.windows.com
    root# commit
    root# exit
    root> show system uptime
    root> exit
    root% request system reboot

    johnny hsieh