Hi A.Vanson
Assuming that you already have the VLAN you want to be configured and the IRB associated with the VLAN you will just need to add the relay configuration and the security policies and the host inbound traffic to let the DHCP packets go back and forth.
In this configuration we can see that we have two servers acting, one for Data-Vlan and another one for Voice-Vlan:
forwarding-options {
dhcp-relay {
server-group {
DATA{; ---------> remote dhcp server; ---------> (optional) 2nd dhcp server
group DATA{
active-server-group DATA;
interface ge-0/0/0.0; ---------> Iinterface working as the gateway on the Data VLAN
group VOICE{
active-server-group VOICE;
interface irb.10; ---------> Interface working as a gateway on Voice VLAN
If you had this command: set forwarding-options active-server-group <name> will allow only a single group of servers to work. Most of the time this is used, not always you have several DHCP servers
Remember that you cannot have a binding to two servers, the dhcp-relay agent will not let you do that unless you configure the following command: set forwarding-options dhcp-relay overrides delete-binding-on-renegotiation
If this solves your problem, please mark this post as "Accepted Solution" so we can help others too \:)/
Lil Dexx
JNCIE-ENT#863, 3X JNCIP-[SP-ENT-DC], 4X JNCIA [cloud-DevOps-Junos-Design], Champions Ingenius, SSYB