I've been searching for hours now but cannot find it.
This is my config i got from my provider:
There router = 213.224.XX.125/30
My ethernet0./0 (untrust) is = 213.224.XX.126/30
I have a default route is set to 125 and the internet works. So far so good.
Now i have a second ip range with 16 usable ipranges 84.199.XX.128/28
Now i need to make a DIP for address 84.199.XX.129 and use a policy that does source translation for sip traffic on the 129 address.
Now when i try to add this DIP entry on the untrust it gives me a message that the Dynamic ipmust be in the same subnet.
Hency my problem.
My question: how can i add this second range to my untrust side knowing that i cannot use a MIP for the 84.199.XX.129 address because i have some phones on the trust interface (5 of them) that go to an outside SIP server.
So i need to make a policy for SIP traffic that does source routing on that DIP.
Can anyone help me with this please?