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  • 1.  Oracle TNS packet drop issue.

    Posted 09-13-2012 03:50

    We have Juniper SRX100 to Cisco 2811 route based VPN implementation over ADSL. On SRX side - ADSL modem in bridge mode, on Cisco side - ADSL modem in routed mode. And we have issue with one application, that can't  contact to the server for data transmit. Early, we have same issue with GRE-over-IPSEC on Cisco-to-Cisco implementation, and we resolve it with setting MTU on tunnel interface to 1400 and setting tcp-mss on internal interfaces of routers to 1360.


    Cisco 2811 config:

    crypto isakmp policy 5
     encr aes 256
     authentication pre-share
     group 5
    crypto isakmp key SECRET_KEY address
    crypto ipsec transform-set VTI esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac 
     mode transport
    crypto ipsec profile VTI
     set transform-set VTI 
     set pfs group5
    interface Tunnel19
     bandwidth 128
     ip address
     ip mtu 1400
     ip nat inside
     ip virtual-reassembly
     tunnel source FastEthernet0/1.122
     tunnel destination
     tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
     tunnel protection ipsec profile VTI

    interface FastEthernet0/1.122 encapsulation dot1Q 122 ip address ip mtu 1492

     SRX100 config:

    fe-0/0/0 {
        unit 0 {
            encapsulation ppp-over-ether;
    pp0 {
        unit 0 {
            ppp-options {
                pap {
                    local-name "user";
                    local-password "$9$ddaF#5Q/CtuOBRhu0WLXNbwTzFntu"; ## SECRET-DATA
            pppoe-options {
                underlying-interface fe-0/0/0.0;
                idle-timeout 0;
                auto-reconnect 10;
            family inet {
                mtu 1492;
    st0 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                mtu 1400;
    proposal MAIN_IKE_PROPOSAL {
        description "IKE CONFIG FOR PUZZLE";
        authentication-method pre-shared-keys;
        dh-group group5;
        authentication-algorithm sha1;
        encryption-algorithm aes-256-cbc;
        lifetime-seconds 86400;
    policy MAIN_IKE_POLICY {
        description "IKE POLICY FOR PUZZLE";
        proposals MAIN_IKE_PROPOSAL;
        pre-shared-key ascii-text "$9$4SoZDf5F36(*&^jhbdasn132AUjqfznpulKMLNb2gJji.4afTznCAylK8LN"; ## SECRET-DATA
    gateway MAIN_IKE_GATE {
        ike-policy MAIN_IKE_POLICY;
        external-interface pp0.0;
    proposal MAIN_IPSEC_PROPOSAL {
        description "IPSEC PROPOSAL FOR PUZZLE";
        protocol esp;
        authentication-algorithm hmac-sha1-96;
        encryption-algorithm aes-256-cbc;
        lifetime-seconds 28800;
        lifetime-kilobytes 4608000;
    policy MAIN_IPSEC_POLICY {
        description "IPSEC POLICY FOR PUZZLE";
        perfect-forward-secrecy {
            keys group5;
        proposals MAIN_IPSEC_PROPOSAL;
    vpn CO_VPN {
        bind-interface st0.0;
        ike {
            gateway MAIN_IKE_GATE;
            ipsec-policy MAIN_IPSEC_POLICY;
        establish-tunnels immediately;
    tcp-mss {
        all-tcp {
            mss 1360;
        ipsec-vpn {
            mss 1360;



    If we replace SRX100 with Cisco 857 - all works fine.

    Cisco 857 config:

    crypto isakmp policy 5
     encr aes 256
     authentication pre-share
     group 5  
    crypto isakmp key SECRET_KEY address
    crypto isakmp invalid-spi-recovery
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto ipsec transform-set VTI esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac 
     mode transport
    crypto ipsec profile VTI
     set transform-set VTI 
     set pfs group5
    interface Tunnel0
     bandwidth 128
     ip address
     ip mtu 1400
     tunnel source Dialer0
     tunnel destination
     tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
     tunnel protection ipsec profile VTI
    interface Dialer0
     description ISP PPPoE
     bandwidth 128
     ip address negotiated
     ip mtu 1492
     encapsulation ppp
     dialer pool 1
     ppp authentication pap callin
     ppp pap sent-username user password 0 1234567890



  • 2.  RE: Oracle TNS packet drop issue.

    Posted 09-13-2012 05:50
    Your st0.0 interface has 1300 mtu, was this what you were planning on?

  • 3.  RE: Oracle TNS packet drop issue.

    Posted 09-13-2012 05:57

    Sorry... It's my typo, MTU on st0.0 is 1400. I corrected its value in first post.

  • 4.  RE: Oracle TNS packet drop issue.

    Posted 09-14-2012 01:02

    tcpdump from server where client connected (test connection to the server):

    10:49:27.793981 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 126, id 172, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 2481740521:2481740521(0) win 32120 <mss 1360>
    10:49:27.794061 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 3087693221:3087693221(0) ack 2481740522 win 5840 <mss 1460>
    10:49:27.797212 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 126, id 174, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 40) > . [tcp sum ok] 1:1(0) ack 1 win 32120
    10:49:27.797406 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 126, id 176, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 180) > P 1:141(140) ack 1 win 32120
    10:49:27.797420 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 35035, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 6, length: 40) > . [tcp sum ok] 1:1(0) ack 141 win 5840
    10:49:27.833062 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 35037, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 6, length: 48) > P [bad tcp cksum b39b (->b35b)!] 1:9(8) ack 141 win 5840
    10:49:27.835151 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 126, id 177, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 40) > . [tcp sum ok] 141:141(0) ack 9 win 32112


  • 5.  RE: Oracle TNS packet drop issue.

    Posted 09-14-2012 04:05

    I try to listen traffic on client side with wireshark, and i find, that this

    10:49:27.833062 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 35037, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 6, length: 48) > P [bad tcp cksum b39b (->b35b)!] 1:9(8) ack 141 win 5840

    packet is not returned to client. May be it droped on SRX? I have default screen options ou untrust interface:

    ids-option untrust-screen {
        icmp {
        ip {
        tcp {
            syn-flood {
                alarm-threshold 1024;
                attack-threshold 200;
                source-threshold 1024;
                destination-threshold 2048;
                timeout 20;


  • 6.  RE: Oracle TNS packet drop issue.
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-14-2012 06:41

    After hours of wireshark and tcpdump analysis and tones of searches in google I find solution in this article:

    (Juniper KB link -

    Solution - disable SQL ALG on SRX.

  • 7.  RE: Oracle TNS packet drop issue.

    Posted 09-14-2012 06:46

    I changed the subject of the topic that it displays the true nature of the problem