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Writing Good Configuration Templates When designing a configuration template there are a few things you need to consider. In this article I will explain these considerations and how they affect the design of the variables and templates. I will do this by comparing two templates that...
Read the Configuration Out of a Junos Device Using Tables and Views Using the SRX examples in GitHub, https://github.com/Juniper/py-junos-.../cfgro/srx.yml , the Table uses get to retrieve a configuration stanza. A VRF query table was created below that is in a position to retrieve all...
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See the troubleshooting document Define Operational Table under Junos PyEZ . #junospyez #yaml #How-To
See the troubleshooting document titled Defining a Table View under Junos PyEZ . #Python #junospyez #How-To #yaml
Each managed Junos OS device is modeled as a jnpr.junos.Device variable (aka "instance"). The general process is you create a variable for each device, providing at least the hostname. You can optionally provide a username (the default is $USER) and a password (the default is using ssh-keys)....
Overview Explains the use of loadyaml() to create new Table/View widgets. Discussion Tables and Views are generally defined using the YAML syntax, as described in other topic pages. YAML files are typically loaded as part of a Python module so that they can be natively...
Define a Table View to Access Table Item Fields You generally define a Table View when you define the Table in operational or configuration mode. The purpose of a View is to map the Junos XML fields into native Python so the caller doesn't need to know XML (or Junos OS). For...
Use Views for Automation Tasks A View defines the mapping between the Junos OS or XML and the field names by which you want to retrieve the data. The purpose of Junos PyEZ is to abstract, or insulate, the user of the Table/View from this information. The View widgets are defined using...
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