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Use event and op script Boilerplates For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can use new script boilerplates with SLAX 1.1 in Junos OS 12.2 Release and later
The Event and Op Script Boilerplates page contains a boilerplate for event and op scripts for use with SLAX 1.1 in Junos OS Release 12.2 and later
The Event and Op Script Boilerplates page contains a boilerplate for event and op scripts for use with SLAX 1.1 in Junos OS Release 12.2 and later. This page also compares/contrasts the SLAX 1.1 boilerplate against the SLAX 1.0 boilerplate. #FAQ #event-script #Slax
The disable-interface script is an example that demonstrates how a configuration can be committed from an op-script. This script will deactivate interface 'ge-0/0/2' upon receiving a PING TEST FAILED event, which is generated by rpm when the ping test fails. The ability to commit configuration from an op-script is effective in Junos 9.3
Demonstrate How to Commit a Configuration from an Op Script For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can use the disable-interface script to demonstrate how you can commit a configuration from an op script
Overview Sometimes you have the requirement to prevent that multiple instances of a single SLAX script run in parallel. This might be the case, when an event-script is called by interval (e.g. every 60 seconds) but was not finished before next interval
Writing rtt Details into an Accounting Profile File For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, the op script runs every 5 minutes, pinging the remote host and writing the rtt details into an accounting profile file . This op script is similar to op-ping-rtt.slax but without using jcs:syslog(), which is available in Junos OS Release 9.0 and later. NOTE : This script is used in conjunction with the event script display-rtt-detail.slax , which runs every hour, reads the same accounting profile file, gets the last hours data, and writes it to the console
Description This script runs intermittently via a generated event and fetches the output of " show system buffers "
Overview Script to capture ID of existing events...To help with this problem, I created the attached event script: capture-pseudo-events.slax
Overview This event script mimics Cisco's absolute vty timeout functionality...Description This script works in Junos 9.2 or later. It uses jade auth success as the generated event to cause the script to be run every 60 seconds