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Overview Python-based scripts and resources for automation...https://github.com/Juniper/py-jnpr-wlc Resources python.org #Pythonresources #Python #FAQ #junospyez
For expert advice about the pros and cons, and "gotchas" for each data store approach, click: Best Practices Series: Considerations for On-Box Data Storage and Access On Box Storage: Option 1 - Flat Files as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Option 2 - JUNOS Device Configuration as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Option 3 - Utility MIB as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Option 4 - JUNOS Accounting Files as a Data Store On-Box Storage: Choosing a Solution Junos Automation Resources Ansible Automation TechWiki Available Automation tools Chef for Junos OS GitHub repository service J-Net Community page JUISE (Junos OS User Interface Scripting Environment) Juniper Networks Products & Services Juniper Learning Bytes - Configuring CLI Configlets on Junos Space - Junos-Python (PyEZ) Basics - Junos-Python (PyEZ) Installation - SLAX Scripting Part 1 - Using Scripts in Junos Space JUNOScriptorium stored on GitHub Junos Automation Day One Books Junos Automation Scripting Feature Guide Junos PyEZ troubleshooting, auditing, and reporting Junos Space NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) Puppet Python and Python Exceptions Ruby and Quickstart Ruby tutorial for Junos Automation SLAX (Stylesheet Language Alternative Syntax) #Python #Slax #Scripting #puppet #juise #JunosSpace #pyez #FAQ #Ruby
Structured changes use well-defined Resource abstractions that have a programmatic approach to performing changes and accessing properties. Resources are analogous to the structured abstractions you would find in IT frameworks such as Puppet and Chef
This means tools, resources, and applications that our industry will depend on will be written by earnest but inexperienced programmers
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For those responsible for providing these resources one of the biggest challenges is how to ensure that each user gets the same initial platform while giving them the freedom to make whatever changes to the configuration they want without imposing any requirements on the individual to "clean up after themselves"
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