I need to know the way to capture the IP packet with the incomplete header in Juniper ? Would be helpful to see the source IP of the packet to identify its' origin.
Juniper MX10003 is connected to Arista switch via 3*100G links .
root@MX10003-re1> show interfaces et-0/3/0 | match index
Interface index: 367, SNMP ifIndex: 774
IMPC0(MX10003-re1 vty)# show jnh ifd 367 stream
bad-IPv4-len: 0000000000005114 pkts, 0000000000214788 bytes
checksum: 0000000000005850 pkts, 0000000001307039 bytes
Errors: 10964, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 10964