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  • 1.  vJunos Rate Limiting Issues

    Posted 04-19-2024 17:36


    I have a vJunos switch (version 23.2R1.14-1) running in GNS3. I am trying to test rate-limiting right now. I have two linux VMs in the GNS3 topology I'm working on. When I connect the two VMs directly to each other, iperf3 results show the bitrate as 1G. 

    When I connect the two VMs to the vJunos switch, and then run iperf3, I get bitrate as 100m. 

    I have tried setting the speed at the port, I have tried to create a filter, I have tried using class-of-service and no matter what config I give the switch, the iperf3 results still show 100m. 

    I don't believe the problem is with GNS3, because like I said, I can get 1G connection when the VMs are directly connected, but once the switch is introduced, it stays at 100m. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. 

    James Joseph

  • 2.  RE: vJunos Rate Limiting Issues

    Posted 04-19-2024 17:55

    We capped the bandwidth of vJunos-switch and vJunos-router at 100mbps for this lab use:

    "Supports a maximum bandwidth of 100 Mbps over all the interfaces."

    They are not intended to be used at performance /scale that could support commercial services.


    Art Stine

  • 3.  RE: vJunos Rate Limiting Issues

    Posted 04-19-2024 19:16

    Thank you for your response Art. I guess I didn't exactly state what I was trying to do before. This is strictly for lab purposes. I am not trying to get speeds higher than 100Mbps. I am just trying to set some kind of rate limiting on this vJunos switch. If I could set a port to 5Mbps, that would be awesome. I am trying to test something out here so I can apply it in a production environment on some real switches, NOT the vJunos switch. 

    How can I set the speed of a port on a vJunos switch to 10mbps? Like I said in my original message. I have tried setting the speed at the interface level. I have tried setting class-of-service on an interface. I have tried to create a firewall filter and apply it to a vlan.  Either I am not configuring this right, or the switch is not fully taking the config. Because when I have any of the three configs applied that I just mentioned, I still get speeds at 100Mbps, even when I thought I set it to 10Mbps. 

    James Joseph

  • 4.  RE: vJunos Rate Limiting Issues

    Posted 04-20-2024 01:13

    Ah ok, I understand now. I suspect given the way we are  pinning the PFE rate policer for lab purposes at 100Mbit, it likely doesn't accept overriding it in any direction. Have a look at the chassisd logs and see if it's barking about it. If you have some configs you can share, we can have a look more closely.


    Art Stine

  • 5.  RE: vJunos Rate Limiting Issues

    Posted 04-20-2024 18:29

    Ok, I hope that I am able to set something other then 100m, if not, oh well. I ran 'monitor start chassisd' and ran the iperf3 test and I didn't see any logs pop up in the terminal. I also checked the log file and don't see anything that looks like it is relevant, but I could be wrong. Here is a snippet of my chassisd logs. Also, the timestamps are not correct so disregard that. 

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/7 setting ifdm flag to trap l2 protocols
    Apr 20 20:12:01 CHASSISD_IFDEV_CREATE_NOTICE: create_pics: created interface device for ge-0/0/8
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ifdev_create entered ge-0/0/8
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ge-0/0/8: large delay buffer cleared
    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_cos_info: Remaining stats flag set on interface ge-0/0/8
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ge-0/0/8: ingress queueing cleared for QDPC
    Apr 20 20:12:01  l2, l3 and bypass = 4096, 16384, iface:ge-0/0/8 for port:8, hier:0, l2:0, l3:0,is0
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ge-0/0/8: queue capable cleared, virtual_tunnel:0, port:8, flexQ:0
    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_cos_info: remaining stats flag not set for ge-0/0/8
    Apr 20 20:12:01  fpc_is_synce_cap: FPC i2c: 0xbaa, PIC type: 0xa7d

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/8 Not SyncE capable

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/8 IFM type is Ether, SyncE TLV is added

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/8 setting ifdm flag to trap l2 protocols
    Apr 20 20:12:01 CHASSISD_IFDEV_CREATE_NOTICE: create_pics: created interface device for ge-0/0/9
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ifdev_create entered ge-0/0/9
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ge-0/0/9: large delay buffer cleared
    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_cos_info: Remaining stats flag set on interface ge-0/0/9
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ge-0/0/9: ingress queueing cleared for QDPC
    Apr 20 20:12:01  l2, l3 and bypass = 4096, 16384, iface:ge-0/0/9 for port:9, hier:0, l2:0, l3:0,is0
    Apr 20 20:12:01  ge-0/0/9: queue capable cleared, virtual_tunnel:0, port:9, flexQ:0
    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_cos_info: remaining stats flag not set for ge-0/0/9
    Apr 20 20:12:01  fpc_is_synce_cap: FPC i2c: 0xbaa, PIC type: 0xa7d

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/9 Not SyncE capable

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/9 IFM type is Ether, SyncE TLV is added

    Apr 20 20:12:01  pic_update_ifdev_tlvs: ge-0/0/9 setting ifdm flag to trap l2 protocols
    Apr 20 20:12:01  mic_set_online: fpc 0 mic 0 (state Ready) pic 0 (state Online)
    Apr 20 20:12:01 CHASSISD_SNMP_TRAP10: SNMP trap generated: FRU power on (jnxFruContentsIndex 20, j)
    Apr 20 20:12:01  hwdb: entry for mic a7d at slot 0 in fpc 0 inserted
    Apr 20 20:12:01  PIC (fpc 0 pic 0) message operation: add. ifd count 10, flags 0x3 in mesg
    Apr 20 20:12:46  Acknowledgement received 0 1
    Apr 20 20:12:53 CHASSISD_MASTER_THREAD_SHC_SLIP: mcontrol hipri thread scheduling slip 4 sec, 9498c

    Also, here is my current config on the switch. Please let me know if there are any issues with any of the config relevant to trying to set a rate limit. I have the speed set at the interface level, I have class of service set for the interface and I believe I have a filter applied to the vlan as well. 

    set version 23.2R1.14
    set system host-name Lab-Switch-1
    set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$6$dEHKC5um$JGB0fYp4szl1ucesmSNtEaHy3hvTWnp/XNi"
    set system arp aging-timer 5
    set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any
    set system syslog file messages any notice
    set system syslog file messages authorization info
    set system processes dhcp-service traceoptions file dhcp_logfile
    set system processes dhcp-service traceoptions file size 10m
    set system processes dhcp-service traceoptions level all
    set system processes dhcp-service traceoptions flag packet
    set interfaces ge-0/0/1 description "Link to LabServer"
    set interfaces ge-0/0/1 speed 10m
    set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode access
    set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members Vlan10
    set interfaces ge-0/0/2 description "Link to LabPC"
    set interfaces ge-0/0/2 speed 10m
    set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode access
    set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members Vlan10
    set interfaces ge-0/0/3 description "Link to Fortigate"
    set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode access
    set interfaces ge-0/0/3 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members Vlan10
    set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet address
    set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet6 dhcpv6-client client-type stateful
    set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet6 dhcpv6-client client-ia-type ia-na
    set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet6 dhcpv6-client client-identifier duid-type duid-ll
    set interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet6 dhcpv6-client vendor-id Juniper:ex9214:VM660F03B891
    set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet filter input filter1
    set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet filter output filter1
    set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet address
    set multi-chassis mc-lag consistency-check
    set class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/1 shaping-rate 10m
    set class-of-service interfaces ge-0/0/2 shaping-rate 10m
    set firewall family inet filter filter1 term 0 from source-address
    set firewall family inet filter filter1 term 0 then policer policer-2mb
    set firewall family inet filter filter1 term 0 then accept
    set firewall policer policer-2mb if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 2m
    set firewall policer policer-2mb if-exceeding burst-size-limit 625k
    set firewall policer policer-2mb then discard
    set protocols router-advertisement interface fxp0.0 managed-configuration
    set protocols lldp interface all
    set protocols lldp-med interface all
    set vlans Vlan10 vlan-id 10
    set vlans Vlan10 l3-interface irb.10
    set vlans Vlan20 vlan-id 20
    set vlans Vlan30 vlan-id 30
    set vlans Vlan40 vlan-id 40
    set vlans Vlan50 vlan-id 50
    set vlans Vlan60 vlan-id 60


    James Joseph