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  • 1.  Vitual chassis EX4400-24X

    Posted 11-22-2023 14:06

    Hello everyone,

     regarding an EX4400-24X switch, can a Virtual Chassis be formed using the 10G ports, or is it mandatory to use the 40/100G ports?

    Thank you for your assistance.


  • 2.  RE: Vitual chassis EX4400-24X

    Posted 11-23-2023 03:29

    Yes you must use the 40G/100G ports on the EX4400 platform: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/junos/virtual-chassis-qfx/topics/task/virtual-chassis-ex4300-configuring.html

    • In an EX4400 Virtual Chassis, you must use the default VCPs to interconnect the member switches, which are the only ports that can be used as VCPs on any model of these switches. The default VCPs on the EX4400 and multigigabyte models are the two 100-Gbps ports on the rear panel, which operate as two logical 50-Gbps VCPs each for a total of four logical VCP interfaces on the switch. If you previously converted the default VCPs into network ports, you must convert them back into VCPs using the request virtual- chassis mode network-port disable command. You must then reboot the switch for the port mode conversion to take effect. 


  • 3.  RE: Vitual chassis EX4400-24X

    Posted 11-23-2023 04:05

    Thank you for your help 
